NZPF Central Region established 1955



St Peter Chanel Church Hall, 817 Gordon Road, Raureka, Hastings 4120.
Meet 3rd Wednesday monthly (except January and 2nd Wednesday in December) at 1:30pm.

Club meetings include a sales table and swapping, displays and talks on stamp collecting, an afternoon tea and friendly chat.

All welcome – try us out for a couple of months FREE!

Calendar of events


Jul 17 – Colin Barker 'Roos and Kings'

Aug 21 – John Campbell Trophy; Baker Cup

Sep 18 – Vince Neall 'Ross Dependency'

Oct 16 – Wooden Spoon Quiz at Hastings

Nov 4 – Denys Nichols 'Mauritius'

Nov 20 – Frank Sharp 'Full Face Queens'

Dec 2 – Joint Hawkes Bay and Hastings mini-exhibition

Dec 14 – Hastings Christmas Party


Club activities and services


From February to December the Society produces a monthly newsletter.

Bruce Marshall Plate – Hawkes Bay Competition

We have a competition in the Hawkes Bay. It is a Dalton plate donated by Faith Marshall wife of the late Bruce Marshall who won the plate at some stage.
The plate is now encased in a sturdy wooden frame with a suitable plaque. It is contested by the Hawkes Bay Philatelic Society and the Hastings Stamp Collectors Club on an annual basis each July.

Baker Cup

A society four-page competition held once a year on any topic up to four pages.

Circuit Sales

The club runs a circuit exchange system for the benefit of members who may obtain booklets from the Circuit manager to fill in for circulation or may receive booklets for peurual and purchase of material. Books must be passed on within three days and the Circuit Manager must be notified of purchases and books within a week. Circuit Associate Membership is available at a cheaper rate.

Sales tables

sales tables are available each month except the Christmas meeting.


Free until the first of April following the member joining.
Adult $15
Country member $10