Notes for nominating societies for NZPF awards

When completing a nomination please provide as much detail as possible about your nominee’s philatelic activities. Each of the awards suggests specific information but the awards panel would value having a full understanding of the nominee’s contribution to our hobby.

You may find the following headings and questions helpful in completing the nomination.


What collection/s has the nominee formed and how have they been used? For example, how frequently have they been used for displays/presentations or as exhibits at local, national or even international exhibitions?

Knowledge, research and authorship

What level of philatelic knowledge does the nominee have and how is the knowledge used assisting others?
Has the nominee done original philatelic research and/or assisted others in doing research?
What philatelic writing or editing has the nominee done, to what extent and over what period?

Contribution to individuals

Has the nominee:
• Mentored other collectors or exhibitors and to what level?
• Presented at, or organised, philatelic seminars or workshops?
• Judged at local, national or international exhibitions?

General contribution to hobby

How has the nominee promoted the hobby, encouraged new collectors or recruited new members?
How frequently has the nominee presented talks at their own or other societies (even outside the hobby)?
How has the nominee provided support and actively participated in activities of their own society or societies, at local philatelic events and in the wider philatelic community (beyond own society)?


How extensively has the nominee been involved in:
• The society e.g. as a committee member, office holder, etc.?
• Any exhibition organising committee at local, regional or national exhibitions?
• National philately e.g. as a regional delegate to NZPF or NZPF office holder?

NZ representation

Has the nominee represented NZ philately internationally?

Other activities

What other philatelic activities of the nominee should be considered?


The material provided will form the basis of the awards panel’s recommendation to the NZPF executive and where the nominee is awarded an NZPF medal it will form the basis of the citation which will be published in the NZPF newsletter.