The Marlborough Stamp Collectors Club invites you to enter this nationwide competition to be held on 22 and 23 September 2018.
Opening at 9:30 am with hall closure at 4:00 pm. The venue will be the Redwoodtown Community Hall on the corner of Weld and Cleghorn Streets, Blenheim.
The competition entries plus other displays will form an Art in Miniature exhibition on the Saturday and Sunday.
The rules and classes this year are the same as last year’s event. Note that a combined clubs entry is permitted which should assist smaller clubs to compete. Please read the rules carefully.
There will be stamp dealers present in the hall. Presentation of the inter-club trophy will be made at 3:00 pm on Saturday.
The entry fee of $50 may be posted with the entry form or can be paid directly into the club’s account 06-0996-08677009-00 clearly marked ‘one frame entry’ with the name of the club from which the payment is made.
One frame Inter-club organiser:
Rick Oxenham, 6 Corry Crescent, Blenheim 7201 phone 03 579 3475 or email [email protected]
Critical dates:
Entry forms to be with organiser Friday 10 August 2018
Exhibits to organiser Saturday 15 September 2018
Following is a copy of the competition rules and attached the NZ Inter Club entry form 2018.
The identifying sheets to be attached to the front of each exhibit envelope will be posted out to clubs following receipt of entry.
Rules of the 2018 Competition
Entries eligible from all societies/clubs in New Zealand whether or not they are affiliated to the NZ Philatelic Federation.
- A combined entry from more than one club will be allowed (maximum of two clubs permitted).
- An entry if five frames.
- Each frame is to consist of 16 standard pages with double pages allowed.
- The NZPF one frame national judging sheet will be used.
- No more than two frames per person.
- No more than two frames per class.
- The Interf-Club Trophy will be awarded to the team with the highest total points.
- Judging will be by nationally accredited judges.
- The judges’ decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
- The club entry fee is $50.
- Entry forms with entry fees are to be submitted by Friday 10 August 2018.
- Entries are to be in the hands or the organisers by 5 pm Saturday 15 September 2018.
PLEASE put the name of the exhibitor, page number and club on the back of each sheet in each exhibit.