CLASS A – Books and Monographs

16001 Berman, Genady Genady Berman Postal Labels and Forms of Israel 78, V 2017
16002 Cook, Christopher Christopher Cook The 1965 United States Dante Stamp 68, S 2017
16003 DiPaolo, Bill Bill DiPaolo Puerto Rico during the Spanish American War, A Postal History Study 85, G 2018
16004 Dove, Dr Andrew F NZSGB/RPSNZ Wartime Internment in New Zealand 83, LV+F 2017
16005 Duberal, R F & Jones, B A Pacific Islands Study Circle Fiji Postage Stamp Issues of the King George VI Period 84, LV 2018
16006 Hancox, Terrence Terrence Hancox New Zealand 1929 Health “Help Stamp Out Tuberculosis” Plating 88, G+F 2018
16007 Hoy, Neville NZ Postal History Society From Pumice to Post; The Postal History of the Taupo Region 73, LS 2018
16008 Jackson, Alan NZ Postcard Society NZ Postcards; Rates and Regulations to 1939 79, V 2019
16009 Johnson, Jonathon C British North American Philatelic Society WWI Canadian Army Nursing Sisters Serving Overseas 70, LS 2019
16010 Jodana, Yan Wiriadi Dai Nippon A study of printing process of Republic Indonesia stamps by PTT Java 94, LG+F 2019
16011 Jurisich, Mark Classic Stamps (Paul Wales) A Postal History of the Commonwealth Trans Antarctic Expedition 1955-8 77, V 2018
16012 Kouri, Yamil H Jr Collectors Club of Chicago Under Three Flags, The Postal History of Spanish-Cuban American War 96, LG+F 2019
16013 Lea, Ruth Filament Publishing Stamps as a Witness of History 79, V 2018
16014 Lichtman, Keith Keith Lichtman Overrun Countries Series Book 7, the French Stamps and its Varieties 71, LS 2018
16015 Mishra, B & Rath, S S Swarna Associates Philatelist Kaleidoscope 1947-2013 68, S 2014
16016 Monk, Gordon Gordon Monk The Surface Printed KGV 1d Sideface Issue, Plate Proof Variety Catalogue 71, LS 2018
16017 Peace, Brian Mowbray Collectables Cachets Applied to Interrupted New Zealand Airmail 80, LV 2019
16018 Rigo, Franco Editric Elzevio Venice and the Levant 69, S 2017
16019 Stillions, C A British North American Philatelic Society Newfoundland’s Last Definitives; The Waterlow Printings 67, S 2019

CLASS B – Periodicals

16020 Allan, Peter Tasmanian Philatelic Society The Courier 78, V 2018
16021 Baumann, Fred American Philatelic Society The American Philatelist 90, LG 2017
16022 Bloxham, Richard Royal Philatelic Society NZ New Zealand Stamp Collector 87, G+F 2017/18
16023 Bollen, Andre Royal Belgian Academy for Philately (Patrick Maselis) Le Philateliste Belge 78, V 2018/19
16024 Burke, Sean Rhodesian Study Circle The Journal of the Rhodesian Study Circle 84, LV+F 2017/18
16025 Dolphin, Andrew Campbell Paterson Ltd Campbell Paterson Newsletter 67, S 2
16026 Dugdale, Jeff Astro Space Stamp Society Orbit 74, LS 2017/19
16027 Fuller, D & Wood R Australian Airmail Society The Australian Aerophilatelist 73, LS 2017/18
16028 Gendek, Marilyn Cinderella Stamp Club of Australasia The Journal of the Cinderella Club of Australasia 70, LS 2018
16029 Goodman, Michael National Philatelic Society The Stamp Lover 81, LV 2018
16030 Grant, Ken Cinderella Stamp Club Cinderella Philatelist 74, LS 2018
16031 Hargreaves, C & Balcaen, P Canadian Aerophilatelic Society The Canadian Aerophilatelist, issues 110 to 117 80, LV 2017/18
16032 Jones, Bryan Pacific Islands Study Circle Pacifica 78, V 2018
16033 Laakso, Dr Seija-Ritta Royal Philatelic Society London London Philatelist 90, LG 2018
16034 Laakso, Dr Seija-Ritta Scandanavian Collectors Club The Posthorn 84, LV 2018
16035 McMahon, Ian Postal Stationery Society Australia Postal Stationery Collector, Vol 24 81, LV 2018
16036 Mercer, Joe Australian Match Cover Collector Observer 60, SB 2018
16037 Paston, John Hawkes Bay Philatelic Society The Gannet 74, LS 2018/19
16038 Shan, Timir R Baroda Philatelic Society Vadophil 65, S 2018
16039 Shaw, P C Hong Kong Philatelic Society The Hong Kong Philatelic Society Journal 86, G 2019
16040 Starkweather, Albert W American First Day Cover Society First Days 79, V 2018
16041 Thomas, Clare Australian Postcard Society The Australian Postcard Society Bulletin 63, SB 2018
16042 Warren, Alan American Society of Polar Philatelists Ice Cap News 77, V 2018
16043 Wreglesworth, Paul New Zealand Society of Great Britain The Kiwi 81, LV 2018
16044 Wynter, Albert The Armidale Circle The Armidale Circle Bulletin 64, SB+F 2017/18

CLASS C – Catalogues

16045 Dolphin, Andrew Campbell Paterson Ltd Campbell Paterson Catalogue of New Zealand Stamps 81, LV 2019
16046 Holmes, David Auckland City Stamps ACS Colour Catalogue New Zealand Stamps2019 67, S 2019

CLASS D – Digital entries

16047 Beck, Graham Exploring Stamps (YouTube channel) 75, V
16048 Flack, Brian Iceland Philatelic Magazine 74, LS 2018
16049 Jurisch, Mark A Postal History of Ross Dependency 1955-87 75, V
16050 McNiven, Andrew Upper Hutt Philatelic Society Newsletter 69, S
16051 Round, Michael Phillippe Lindekens Zaire, The Hyper-inflation Years (in Les Congolatres No 34) 63, SB 2018

CLASS E – Websites

16052 Beaudet, Leopold British North America Philatelic Society 85, G
16053 Gavin, James Rhodesian Study Circle 85, G
16054 Gibson, Bob NZ Philatelic Federation 74, LS
16055 Gibson, Bob NZ2020 Stamp Exhibition 74, LS
16056 Houde, Michel Philatelic Specialists Society of Canada 78, V
16057 King, Bruce NZ Postcard Society 71, LS
16058 Trimble, Ralph Ralph Trimble 86, G+F
16059 The Webmaster Pacific Islands Study Circle 77, V

CLASS F – Display

16060 Clark, Murray NZ Stamp Collectors Club Stamping Around (newsletter of the NZ Stamp Collectors Club) 2018
16061 Diederich, Horsts Christoph Gaertner Die Umgestaltung des deutschen Postwesens swischern 1792-1817 2016
16062 Jones, Stephen Christchurch Philatelic Society Captain Coqk (journal of the Christchurch Philatelic Society) 2018
16063 Long, Jenny & Jeff NZ Postcard Society Postcard Pillar (journal of the NZ Postcard Society) 2018
16064 Naab, Jurgen Christoph Gaertner Thurn & Taxis Frankaturen Briefpost 1852-1867 2017
16065 Philatelic Federation Korea Philatelic Federation Korea WOO-PYO Philatelic Monthly 2018
16066 Rhee, Kun Hoo Kun Hoo Rhee The stories of Nepal king’s stamp 2018
16067 Schiltz-Trommer, Andre Federation des Societes Philateliques du Grand-Duche de Luxembourg Le Moniteur du Collectionneur 2017/18
16068 Various Authors Korean Philatelic Society 130 Years of Korean Postage Stamps 2017
16069 Xiaoqiang Wang, Yin Yiqiu Lu, David Journal of China Philately, Volumes 6, 7 & 8