Accord agreement between
Australian Philatelic Federation and New Zealand Philatelic Federation
The Australian Philatelic Federation (APF) and the New Zealand Philatelic Federation (NZPF) recognise that an exchange of judges and exhibits would be of benefit to both Australia and New Zealand.
Accordingly, both organisations have agreed to an accord as follows.
- The Accord is to be viewed as wide, co-operative and friendly in spirit.
- The Accord recognises there are different needs and requirements for APF and NZPF and their respective judges and exhibitors.
- The Accord seeks to broaden the experience of judges in each jurisdiction.
- The Accord facilitates the appointment of appropriately qualified judges (including team leaders) from either jurisdiction to meet the specific needs of each National exhibition organising committee.
- For every exhibition held under either the auspices of APF or NZPF (except one-frame or philatelic literature exhibitions) the relevant national federation will nominate one or two judge(s) from their register of judges in accordance with Table 1. The Exhibition Organising Committee must accept this nomination.
- The nominated judge (or one of them if two are appointed) is expected to act as commissioner, collecting exhibits from his or her country and carrying them to and from the exhibition. A minimum number of frames from the relevant country must be entered in the exhibition in order for the judge(s) to be entitled to the reimbursement described in 8(i) below. If two judges are appointed, the second judge will act as assistant commissioner.
The minimum number of frames will be mutually agreed, from time to time, between APF and NZPF and will take into account the timing, number and type of exhibitions being held in each country and internationally during the period when the exhibition is planned. The organising committee for the exhibition will be advised at an early stage the expected minimum number of frames the judge is required to bring. The judge is encouraged to obtain more. Indicative values are given in Table 1. - When the number of frames is below the minimum described in 6 the extent of reimbursement will be pro-rated on the basis of the number of frame entered and the expected minimum number of frames for the Exhibition as agreed by the Federations.
- Reimbursement and allowances
- Where the nominated judge(s) obtains the minimum number of frames described in 6 the exhibition organising committee shall provide the judge(s) with a shared room, breakfast, and one, or if travelling with their partner two, tickets to the awards dinner and, if required, tickets for entry to each day of the exhibition.
- Reimbursement of airfares by either the Exhibition or National Federation as shown in Table 1 subject to prior approval of the cost of the airfare by either the Exhibition or National Federation.
Table 1Full National Half National No of judges one senior judge and one junior judge one judge Indicative number of exhibit frames for reimbursement of full costs 100 frames (exhibits from Australia). 50 frames (or 100 in a year when there are 2 half nationals) of exhibits from Australia. 70 frames (exhibits from New Zealand) 35 frames (or 70 in a year when there are 2 half nationals) of exhibits from NZ. Airfare Airfares paid by exhibition. Airfare paid by exhibition Accommodation Shared room for both judges provided by Exhibition Shared room provided by Exhibition
- An exhibition organising committee in one country, with the prior agreement of the Federations in both countries, is at liberty to approach as many additional judges as they wish. The exhibition organising committee must recompense each judge to the extent and in the manner mutually agreed between the committee and each judge.
- The Accord will facilitate the sharing of information that will assist in the on-going development of judges in both countries.
- The APF, through the NZPF, will invite two participants to attend, in Australia:
- any judges’ refresher courses; or
- courses for apprentices; or
- advanced course for judges (providing the nominees are experienced exhibitors and judges in the relevant field).
Any expense incurred will be to the account of the participant. In all cases, failure to complete pre- course exercises will result in cancellation of the invitation to the individual(s) involved.
- Exhibitors of both accord partners are to be encouraged (and by implication allowed) to send exhibits to the other accord partner’s national exhibitions held under the auspices of APF or NZPF including one-frame or philatelic literature exhibitions or other specialised exhibition.
[signed] John Moore, President, Australian Philatelic Federation[signed] Stephen Chivers, President, New Zealand Philatelic Federation
Dated 25 November 2017