Concept of One Frame Exhibits

by Jussi Tuori, FIP Vice President

One of the important features in today’s philately has been to create new attractive ways to collect and exhibit. We have seen this in the present classes like in Postal History, Thematics and Traditional and also in new ideas like One Frame Exhibits, Open Class and other new exhibiting concepts currently being under development.

One Frame Exhibits are already well established all around the world. They have been experimental in FIP Exhibitions more than six years, and they have obtained vast popularity. The point has been reached however, when they should be finally formalized. FIP Board is now proposing this at the 2010 Congress.

Because this concept should be used in almost all classes, the exceptions being Literature and Youth, there cannot be a separate one frame class. However there should be specific Guidelines harmonizing the concept and judging in all classes. A decision formally recognising one frame exhibits has already been taken by the Bucharest Congress in 2008. Thus the specific Guidelines are to be decided in Lisbon, which make One Frame Exhibits to follow the Guidelines of the respective classes as well as their own special one frame Guidelines.

The purpose for One Frame Exhibits has been twofold:

  • to provide for collectors the opportunity to show exhibits on a narrow theme and which are suitable due to their limited subject or limited available material to development in one frame or
  • to provide for new exhibitors at club, regional or even national level an easy way to start their exhibiting career.

The second purpose is not discussed in this article or in the proposed Guidelines. The principles of judging at the club or regional level are the responsibility of every National Federation. However in national exhibitions the FIP Guidelines should be followed in order to fulfil the requirements for qualification to international exhibitions.

The critical factor for a good and successful OFE is the theme. It is not possible to give any unambiguous definition of what is a good theme. Some general principles however can be presented:

  • Detailed treatment of all important aspects of the selected theme can be shown in one frame.
  • An extract from a multiple frame exhibit is not acceptable.

The latter principle clearly excludes, for instance, exhibits, where the owner of a successful multiframe exhibit chooses the best items from this exhibit or maybe the first frame and shows it as an one frame exhibit. It doesn’t help, if he sells the rest and claims, that this is no longer an extract of his multi-frame exhibit. This also excludes exhibits showing only one value taken from a longer issue of stamps. If there were one separate value not belonging to any issue and this value otherwise fulfils the requirements above, this would fit the concept of a one frame exhibit.

If the theme is inappropriate to one frame, the points for treatment will be reduced. It also might be difficult to show the philatelic knowledge needed for the theme.

The decision by Bucharest Congress already includes the principle, that the jurors of the respective classes shall judge the OFEs. This has not yet been fully understood by Organizing Committees. Thus the recommendation is that clearly the normal teams should be doing

Guidelines for Judging One Frame Exhibits at FIP Exhibitions

Note These Guidelines for Judging One Frame exhibits represents those approved by the FIP board on 8 June, 2003. These are included in their original form here for completeness but Article 5 of the Guidelines does not apply for New Zealand national exhibitions. Instead, Awards will be given as follows:

Large Gold 90 – 100 points
Gold 85-89
Large Vermeil 80-84
Vermeil 75-79
Large Silver 70-74
Silver 65-69
Silver Bronze 60-64
Bronze 50-59
The purpose of One Frame Exhibits
  • To encourage new exhibitors to exhibit; however, these Guidelines are not generally suited for this type of exhibits. It is left to National Federations to implement the Guidelines for beginners in National or Club Exhibitions.
  • To provide experienced exhibitors with the opportunity to show competitive exhibits on a very narrow theme and which could not be expanded to more than one frame.
Principles of One Frame Exhibits
For such a special study, only themes should be chosen which allow showing in one frame, the detailed treatment of all important aspects of the theme. An extract from a current existing multiple frame exhibit is not allowed.
Class of Exhibit
One Frame Exhibits may come from any of the FIP competitive classes, except the Literature Class or Youth Class. One Frame Exhibits will be classified and judged in their respective FIP class. The judging is based on the regulations of their respective classes and these Guidelines.
Criteria for evaluation
The following criteria and points for One Frame Exhibits are used at FIP exhibitions:
Treatment and the appropriate subject 30 points
Philatelic knowledge, Personal study and research 35 points
Condition and Rarity 30 points
Presentation 5 points
Total 100 points
 Thematic One Frame exhibits will be evaluated according to the Thematic point system:
Treatment 35 points
Philatelic knowledge, Personal study and research 30 points
Condition and rarity 30 points
Presentation  5 points
Total 100 points
Exhibits, which are not suitable as One Frame Exhibits according to these guidelines, will suffer a loss of points when judged, especially in Treatment.
All the exhibitors will be awarded a One Frame Exhibit certificate. The points given to the exhibitor should be noted on the certificate. Likewise the certificate should be marked specifically as a “One Frame Exhibit”.
Qualification for FIP Exhibitions
The qualification for participation at FIP Exhibitions is the equivalent of a Vermeil medal obtained at national exhibition.