
Royalpex 2021 is a New Zealand National Stamp Exhibition being run by the Royal Philatelic Society of New Zealand Inc. and will be held 19 – 21 November 2021 at the Palmerston North Conference & Function Centre, Main Street, Palmerston North, under the patronage of the New Zealand Philatelic Federation (NZPF). It is governed by the Approved Regulations for New Zealand National Philatelic Exhibitions’ of the NZPF.

Some key dates for Royalpex 2021
30 June Entry forms plus title pages from prospective exhibitors.
15 July Advice from Royalpex 2021 of exhibit acceptances.
12 November Entries to be in the hands of Commissioners or by Courier to Royalpex 2021.
18 November Entries delivered by hand must be with bin room manager by Thursday 10:00am.
19 November Exhibition opens 10:00am Friday – closes 5.00pm
20 November Exhibition opens 10:00am Saturday – closes 5.00pm
20 November Saturday 7.30pm Awards Dinner
21 November Exhibition opens 10:00am Sunday – closes 4:00pm
Exhibition Organising Committee

The Organising Committee is as follows, with other appointments to be made:

Chairman Stephen Chivers
Secretary Lindsay Chitty
Treasurer Steven Ferguson
NZ Philatelic Federation coordinator Tim Beach
Chairman of Jury David Loe
Secretary of the Jury/Entries Coordinator Leigh Gravestock
NZ Post representative Alan Hollows
NZ Stamp Dealers Association representative William Carson
Floor Manager & Liaison Manawatu P.S. Colin Dyer
Marketing Manager Paul McTaggart
Bin Room Manager Pat & Colin Capill
Prizes and Palmerston North Rep Tony Thackery
Overseas Commissioner/Judges
Australia: Tony Griffin [email protected]
United Arab Emirates: To be advised
Keeping in touch:

It is planned to issue a number of Newsletters. These will provide information on the venue, accommodation, planned activities and information on products that will be available. If you wish to receive the Newsletters please write to Royalpex 2021, PO Box 15609 Miramar, Wellington 6243 or Email [email protected] You will also find a copy of this Prospectus on the NZPF website at and on the RPSNZ website at

Please address all correspondence to:
Secretary, Royalpex 2021, PO Box 15069 Miramar, Wellington 6243, or Email [email protected]
Australian entrants must enter through the Australian Commissioner – see previous page.
UAE entrants must enter through the UAE Commissioner – see previous page

DIVISION 1 Non-competitive and restricted competitive
1.1 Invited displays (non-competitive)
1.2 Jury class (competitive)
DIVISION 2 FIP Qualifying Classes
2.1 New Zealand or Australia
2.2 Other Countries
2.3 Modern (any of 2.1 or 2.2 primarily using material issued since 1991)
Postal History
3.1 New Zealand or Australia
3.2 Other Countries
3.3 Marcophily (postal markings)
3.4 Historical, Social or Special Studies
3.5 Modern (any of 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 or 3.4 primarily using material issued since 1991)
Other Classes
4.1 Postal Stationery
4.2 Aerophilately
4.3 Astrophilately
4.4 Thematics
4.5 Revenues
4.6 Maximaphily
4.7 One Frame
4.8 Open
5.1 Up to 15 years old as at 1 January 2021 – 1 to 3 frames
5.2 16 – 18 years old as at 1 January 2021 – 2 to 4 frames
5.3 19 – 21 years old as at 1 January 2021 – 3 to 5 frames
DIVISION 3 Non-FIP Qualifying classes
6.1 First Day Cover
6.2 Cinderella
6.3 Frugal
6.4 Adult Development class (NZ residents only) – see Regulation 27
(a) 1 or 2 frames
(b) 8 pages – for new exhibitors at a National exhibition
6.5 Youth developing exhibits
(a) 16-18 years old as at 1 January 2021 – 1 frame
(b) 19-21 years old as at 1 January 2021 1 – 2 frames
[The Youth developing exhibits class provides experienced youth exhibitors the opportunity to provide an exhibit with fewer frames than provided in FIP youth classes.]
6.6 Youth Development
(a) Youth Development Class, below 13 years of age (8 or 16 pages)
(b) Youth Development class, 13-15 years (8 or 16 pages)
(c) Youth Development class, 16-21 years (16 pages)
[The Youth Development class is restricted to new exhibitors or for previous exhibitors who have not yet previously received 65 points or more for any exhibit at a national exhibition in sub-classes.]
DIVISION 4 Postcards
7.1 One frame
7.2 Two to eight frames
  1. The exhibit must be owned by the exhibitor. If the exhibit has been purchased as a complete exhibit, it must have been owned for at least 18 months prior to the exhibition and the exhibit must have been extensively revised.
  2. Entries in the Competitive Classes may be made by any person within New Zealand or overseas belonging to a Philatelic Society or Stamp Club affiliated to the NZPF, the Australian Philatelic Federation or the Emirates Philatelic Association.
  3. In accordance with New Zealand Regulations, the minimum size of any entry shall be two frames (32 pages) with a maximum of eight frames (128 pages), except as noted in the list of classes.
  4. Frame fee will be NZ $35.00 per frame for all classes except
    a. Youth entries which are free
    b. Youth development classes 6.5 and 6.6 are free
  5. Each frame consists of four rows of four pages and allows for pages including protectors not to exceed 29 cm in height and 23 cm in width. Double width pages are accepted as necessary. Exhibits with larger pages may be disadvantaged and the exhibit may only be partially displayed in the frames.
  6. All exhibits should be on white or light coloured pages. The pages are to be contained in clear, close fitting exhibition protectors with the page totally contained. Photocopies or scans of a complete cover or stamp must be at least 25% different in size from the original.
  7. Each page shall show the exhibitors name on the reverse and each page should be numbered, on the front in the bottom right corner, sequentially in the order that they are to be mounted.
  8. Expertisation certificates must be attached to the reverse of relevant pages.
  9. An exhibitor shall not submit more than one entry in any class, unless the entry is substantially different in content and is not the continuation of another entry.
  10. An exhibitor may enter an exhibit under a pseudonym but the secretary of the exhibition must be notified of the true identity of the exhibitor.
  11. Entries shall not carry any indication as to price or value of any items contained therein.
  12. Members of the Jury, Apprentice Judges, Jury Secretary and NZPF coordinator may only enter the Jury Class. Entries in the Jury Class will be judged in the normal way by a separate panel of judges and Awards will be made but entries will NOT be eligible for Special Prizes. The Chairman of the Jury and the Chairman of the Organizing Committee must not enter any competitive class.
  13. The completed Entry Forms with a copy of the title page must reach the Exhibition Secretary, NO LATER THAN 30th June 2021. A synopsis may also be sent.
  14. The Exhibition Committee reserves the right to limit the number of entries and the number of frames allocated to an entry for this exhibition. The right is also reserved to reject any entry without assigning any reason for such a decision.
  15. Exhibitors will be advised by 15th July 2021 that their entry has been accepted, reduced in frame numbers or rejected in accordance with Rule 14.
  16. Once an exhibitor has been notified of acceptance and paid the entry fee, the exhibitor is obligated to provide the agreed entry. Failure to produce an entry renders a defaulting exhibitor liable (at the discretion of the NZPF) to disqualification from future National and International Exhibitions for up to 5 years.
  17. Competitive entries may only be delivered by courier (signature required) or by hand (by the exhibitor, their agent or by a Commissioner).
    Exhibits sent by courier should be sent to Royalpex 2021 to an address that will be advised when acceptances are notified and must be in the hands of the Exhibition Committee by 04 September 2021.
    Hand delivered exhibits, including those exhibits being carried by Commissioners, must be received by the Bin Room Manager at the Exhibition venue before 10:00am on Thursday 09 September 2021.
    All Australian entry forms and entry fees are to go through the Australian Commissioner.
    All UAE entries from must go through the UAE Commissioner.
  18. All reasonable care will be taken by Royalpex 2021 its Exhibition Committee and its representatives to protect the property of exhibitors, but the insurance of an exhibitor’s property during transits, within the exhibition or otherwise, is solely the responsibility of the exhibitor.
    Royalpex 2021, its Exhibition Committee and its representatives shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to an exhibit in whole or in part, howsoever caused, and the Exhibitor’s signature on the Royalpex 2017 entry form indicates acceptance by the Exhibitor of this Regulation.
  19. The Exhibition Committee or Jury reserve the right to transfer any entry to another Class if in their opinion it is incorrectly placed, or where it may receive a higher award.
  20. Judging will be carried out on the material as presented in the frames. The NZPF Standard Exhibition Judging Sheets will be used to evaluate each exhibit. A copy of the Judging Sheet will be supplied to the entrant.
  21. The Jury will, after the evaluation of an exhibit, make one of the following awards:
    (a) All adult classes of one or more frames will receive medals
    (b) Youth exhibits in classes 5.1 -5.3 will receive medals.
    (c) Adult development 8-page and Youth development will receive certificates.
    In addition, there will be a Grand Award (presented by NZ Post), a Runner-up to the Grand Award, the NZPF Federation Cup (for 3-8 frames which may be awarded to a first or second-time New Zealand resident exhibitor for a philatelic exhibit), the Marcel Stanley Trophy (for adult development 1 or 2 frames), the Banfield Cup (for adult development ½ frame), Len Jury medals for first time adult exhibitors and other special prizes awarded at the discretion of the Chairman of the Jury after consultation with the Jurors.
  22. All exhibits will be returned as soon as is practicable after the Exhibition. Entries may be uplifted by exhibitors or their duly authorized agent notified in writing, at approximately 6:00pm on Sunday 12 September 2021 at the Exhibition venue after all frames have been dismounted.
  23. The Exhibition Committee may, from time to time, provide rules to cover any other matter, which may be required, and its decision is final on all matters.
  24. The Exhibitor’s signature on the Royalpex 2021 Entry form indicates acceptance of all rules laid down by the Exhibition Committee in this prospectus.
  25. These Exhibition Regulations for Royalpex 2021 are prepared to conform to the rules and regulations for New Zealand National Philatelic Exhibitions as laid down by the NZPF.
  26. Exhibits not conforming to these regulations may not be judged or displayed.
  27. Adult Development Class: This class is to encourage New Zealand residents to exhibit:
    Class 6.4(a) 1 or 2 frames – for exhibitors who have not previously been awarded 70 points or more for any one frame or multi frame entry at a National exhibition.
    Class 6.4(b) 8 pages for new exhibitors at a National exhibition – NO entry fee (for this class NZPF has also waived its levy of $6.00 per frame). Exhibitors will receive a written critique and a certificate.