This section of the site provides background information for individual collectors and societies to assist them with their hobby.
For collectors
Information which collectors, particularly new collectors, should find useful whether they are a member of a club or not.
Brochures to assist in publicising the hobby or providing guidance for collectors or people who have inherited collections are available for member societies, individuals and organisations.
Club activities
This section provides guidance for club committees on running a club or society. Included are pointers about buying and selling material through the club; running competitions aimed at involving members and expanding their knowledge and enjoyment; ideas for meeting programmes; and, raising some issues of general administration aimed at making clubs run smoothly and efficiently.
Members of the NZ Stamp Dealers Association (NZSDA) are critical to the health of the hobby. This section provides some detail about the NZSDA and gives contact details for them.
Libraries & literature
The hobby has generated an amazing array of books, periodicals and other forms of literature which can assist collectors. This section provides details of these forms of literature, who publishes them or has them in libraries which could be accessible to you.
In New Zealand there are a few Museums with holdings of philatelic material that can be accessed for research on the history of the stamps and postal services of New Zealand.