NZPF Central Region established 1921


Second Tuesday of each month (except January) at 7:30pm at Art Society Rooms, Trafalgar Place (off Ridgway Street), Wanganui. [Through iron gates and the second building on the left.]
The society has a varied programme and also go on visits to different venues.
Visitors are always welcome. Please make yourselves known.

Calendar of events


Aug 13 – Wanganui meeting

Sep 10 – Wanganui meeting

Oct 8 – Wanganui meeting

Nov 12 – Wanganui meeting

Dec 10 – Wanganui meeting

Club activities and services

A newsletter is sent to members every two months.
The society has a library.

Club Competitions
Throughout the year there are a range of 1-page, 4-page and 8-page competitions for club trophies.

  • Ellott Trophy – 1-page from members’ collections.  Competed for at each club meeting.  Points toward the Mitchell Cup are awarded with 1st 3 points, 2nd 2 points, 3rd 1 point with members present voting for their favourite/s.
  • Mitchell Cup – for the member who has consistently shown the most favoured results during the Ellott trophy competition over the year.  Presented at the AGM.
  • Foote Cup – 4-pages competed for in March.
  • Parnell Cup – 8-pages competed for in September.
  • Pim Cup – 16 pages (1-frame) competed for in December.


Members $10.00
Couples $15.00
Junior Members No charge.