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So far NZPF Webmaster has created 83 blog entries.

Newsletter 87 -April 24

From David Loe, President

I am glad to report your new executive has now met for the first time and is getting organised to function efficiently.  As you know, when a new group gets together, it can take a bit of organising. Here is a bit of what we have been doing (and leaving aside the boring stuff).

Strategic Direction

The Federation met in mid-2023 to examine its role in the New Zealand philatelic scene and to understand what its priorities were.  At our March meeting we affirmed these priorities, and (again, without boring you) said they were:

  • To promote the hobby of philately within New Zealand
  • Support societies and individuals
  • Actively shape world and Asian philately
  • Be the voice of philately in New Zealand.
  • Communication

All this under the headline “Connecting collectors in NZ”.  So, it’s rather less about international exhibitions and rather more about supporting clubs and societies to retain membership and grow interest in the hobby.

You can be a participant in this and if you need support and have some great ideas then ask your delegate to raise it with the Executive.

Website Update

Our internet service provider and web host, The Support Desk NZ Ltd, has decided to shut up shop. They have hosted us for many years. We have migrated the website to a new provider and there should be no changes to how you access the site. A reminder of Federation email addresses:

One of the main areas that we can assist your society membership is through acting as an information source for your own club website or your calendar of events.  One statistic […]

Newsletter 86 – December 2023

Newsletter 86 – December 2023

From David Loe, President.

It is nearly 18 months since the publication of the last newsletter from NZPF and I wanted to bring you up to date with the latest news after the AGM in mid-December and ensure that you know what’s going on in 2024 in time for Society secretaries to circulate information to their members at the start of 2024.

Annual General Meeting of NZPF

We have quite a few new faces around the ‘table’.
David Loe (Nelson), has taken over from Stephen Chivers, who has been the president since 2016.

Even more of a wrench, Bob Gibson (Wellington) resigned as secretary immediately prior to the AGM after 16 years and Jeff Long (Christchurch) has stepped into the role.

Anna Whitehead (Wellington) took over from Leigh Gravestock in the treasurer position halfway through the year.

One of the Northern Region delegates is now Elizabeth Rogerson (Whangarei) having taken over from Denise Rosenfeldt (Auckland), Denise having done her ‘stint’ of 2 years in the role.

Leigh also resigned her role as central region delegate, so we are now on the search for a new delegate in her place.

To all the outgoing office holders and delegates, a huge vote of thanks. The last few years have been especially burdensome dealing with COVID and a multiplicity of resulting challenges, not the least being rescheduling of major exhibitions that you have all been heavily involved in.

Thank you for your time, dedication and effort.

A full set of AGM minutes has been sent to member societies.

Going Forward

It is a little early to say what our ‘mission’ is going forward.

While I attended a strategy workshop the Federation held in the middle of the year and therefore know what we said then, the delegates and […]

Newsletter 85 – August 2022

Stephen says –

Having now been able to travel offshore, I was fortunate enough to be able to fulfil my duties as Commissioner at CAPEX 2022 9 – 12 June in Toronto, Canada. Refer to my report later in the newsletter.

Global Supply Chain

Air carriers are now setting dates for their return to New Zealand skies, but with increased costs needing to be recovered, this has impacted the price of postage with international outbound letters and parcels increasing from 1 July – https://www.nzpost.co.nz/about-us/july2022#international-outbound

The number of countries the New Zealand Post is unable to provide service to, or receive from continues to decline – https://www.nzpost.co.nz/contact-support/international-delivery-updates#sending and https://www.nzpost.co.nz/contact-support/international-delivery-updates#receiving

NZPF Awards 2022

Unfortunately, by the time nominations were due – 30 June – we had not received any nominations.  We are sure there are people out there who justify an award and we want to ensure we recognise them.  As a result, the executive has agreed to extend the nomination period.  The closing date for submissions of nominations for Federation awards for 2022 is now 31 October 2022. The criteria for the various awards presented by Federation can be found on the NZPF website as well as   nomination forms.  Check https://nzpf.org.nz/about-us/philatelic-awards/

Federation Meetings

The 74th Annual General Meeting is due to take place at WPS100 on Saturday 12 November, with an Executive Meeting taking place by ZOOM on the following Saturday 19 November. If you have anything that you would like raised, please contact your regional delegate or myself at the email address below.

I can be contacted by email at any time —[email protected]

Stephen Chivers, President

Incorporated Societies Act

Further to the December 2021 newsletter, The Incorporated Societies Bill, which is designed “to […]

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