About NZPF Webmaster

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So far NZPF Webmaster has created 83 blog entries.

Newsletter 84 – April 2022

Stephen says –

Here we are, three months of the year having gone already and our first quarterly executive meeting behind us.
The COVID journey carries us forward into 2022 and now with us operating under the traffic light system we have all had to adapt to further changes, as from 14 April with the changes to the Orange traffic light that we are operating under.
The key changes operating at Orange being –
• There is no requirement to scan in or for a business to display a QR code poster or have mandatory record keeping.
• You do not need to wear a face mask outdoors, other face mark rules remain unchanged.
All of the country is at Orange, so it is useful to be reminded of the Key points to keep ourselves safe – https://covid19.govt.nz/traffic-lights/life-at-orange/

Global Supply Chain

Despite plans for opening up the borders to international travel and an increase in flights, there are still some 40 countries where NZ Post is unable to provide service to – https://www.nzpost.co.nz/contactsupport/international-delivery-updates#sending, including Russia and Ukraine and almost the same number of countries not sending to New Zealand – https://www.nzpost.co.nz/contact-support/international-delivery-updatesUreceiving

Royalpex 2021

Even with the deferring of Royalpex 2021 until February 2022, COVID-19 still didn’t play ball which led to the exhibition being held as a judging only event, closed to the public. New Zealand Post continued to provide their major sponsorship with the printing of the programme and supply of miniature sheets for souvenirs. Refer to the report later in the newsletter. A copy of their final newsletter No 4 is at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K2eX5hxUAw5aOkxe799BPSP8H09g1Vc/view?usp=sharing

Federation Meetings

Unfortunately, the special meeting intended to be held in conjunction with Royalpex on 26 February didn’t take […]

Newsletter 83 – December 2021

Stephen says –

Well, the challenges certainly came as we published our last newsletter with all New Zealand returning to Level 4 on 17 August. Then, while the rest of New Zealand south of Auckland moved to Level 3 on 31 August and further to Level 2 on 2 September along with Northland, it wasn’t until 21 September that Auckland moved to Level 3. While Auckland has had some steps introduced into their Level 3 existence to enable closer contact, like a visit to the hairdresser the region has certainly carried the burden for the rest of the country.
More is written below about Covid-19.
In addition, we hope we will be able to provide some useful advice on how our clubs and societies might manage under the traffic light system of Covid control. Tim Beach, one of our executive officers, is professionally involved in this space and is planning to get information to you, hopefully in time for this issue.
Tim and all the others in a like position, is working with moving goal posts. His priority must be his work obligations and if he cannot meet our issue deadline, we will forward whatever he produces for you as soon as it is available.

Global Supply Chain

The global postal supply chain is still challenged, with Air NZ having announced more than 1000 flight cancellations between NZ and Australia through to the end of the year due to border reopening uncertainty.
At 6 October there were some 26 countries where mail is still suspended to New Zealand, including Ireland, Philippines and Poland – https://www.nzpost.co.nz/sites/nz/files/2021-10/Covid-19-international-network-inbound-06102020.pdf and 38 outbound as at 15 November including Brazil, Mexico and Zimbabwe https://www.nzpost.co.nz/sites/nz/files/2021-11/Covid-19-international-network-outbound-15112021.pdf
Santa appears to have been given […]

Newsletter 82 – August 2021

Stephen says –

Covid 19
With Auckland having moved to Alert Level 3 from 14 Feb – and then Level 2 on 17 Feb, before moving back to Level 1 on 22 Feb 2021, and then on 22 Feb back to Level 3, to Level 2 on 7 March before returning to Level 1 on 12 March – it then became the challenge for Wellington with a move to Level 2 on 23 June before returning to Level 1 on 29 June. Thankfully we have not had further challenges.
This reminds us all that until we get vaccinated there is the need to follow the guidelines of scanning, wearing a face covering on public transport and washing your hands.

The global postal supply chain is still challenged, with NZ Post advertising some 30 countries as at 16 August where mail is still suspended from New Zealand – Covid-19-international-network-outbound, and about the same number for inbound mail to New Zealand – Covid-19-international-network-inbound
The NZ Post website information has not been updated recently which suggests no change.

Even when service is available, constraints on the number of flights operating means there is restricted capacity leading to delays of mail departing New Zealand. At 12 August NZ Post advised three working days. In addition, significant international processing and delivery delays are occurring in some European destinations and Canada. – international-delivery-updates#sending-delays
NZ Post are working to have most parcels, once received by NZ Post, delivered within 7 working days.

Federation Meetings
The first 2021 meeting was held by Zoom on 20 March and the second, also by Zoom, on 17 July.

Federation Awards
Unfortunately, reminders were not sent to members seeking nominations for awards. We believe such […]

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