Welcome …

… to this winter newsletter. I was going to say spring but that would be a lie. From where I am writing this the mountains have a good covering of snow, but the fruit trees are in blossom, so take your pick! From where I sit there is lot going on in the philatelic world. With fewer stamp collectors around, the burden on the individual organisers (of anything) is large. This applies as much to societies as it does to exhibition committees. Here at Federation, we recognise this, so I see one of our many purposes is to help where we can. So that is how I have ordered this newsletter.

Incorporated Societies Act 2022

I am sure you are aware we all need new constitutions that meet the requirements of the 2022 Act. In fact, we have until 5 April 2026 to have a new constitution in place. How long this takes is a bit like a piece of string. However, more or less concurrently with the issue of this newsletter will be an advice note and a couple of examples. We are trying to assist where we can and there are two approaches to this, either follow the model in the Incorporated Societies website or keep it simple and write your own in plainer English. Be assured – the easy bit seems to be getting approval. The difficult bit is satisfying yourselves that you have got a usable constitution you can work to, getting it through your own committee and then an AGM or similar.


I am aware many societies really struggle with their banks. It took the best part of 9 months to change the signatories on Federation’s account, so I know what I’m talking about. But conversely it took less than a week to change the Nelson Society’s people, so it is possible to do. However, now we are finally set up it is really easy to use the internet banking on my smart phone. I do realise if you do not have access to on-line banking you will not find it easy and it may be impossible to manage your accounts. So, before you choose your signatories, make sure they are digitally literate. If not, you need a work-around. You may need to take up the offer from our treasurer, Anna (see below).

Lost & Found

Many thanks to the clubs and dealers who spread the word about the two interclub entries which went missing en route to the Interclub One-frame competition. The package arrived OK but not the contents. However, the exhibits ended up in the Dead Letter Office in Auckland who then sent them to the Whanganui Collectables Centre. Fortunately, a visiting ‘consultant philatelist’ was visiting, knew what they were and took them to the Wellington venue with him.

Newsletters from societies

Most societies willingly exchange newsletters. If you don’t do so, I encourage you to think about it. The health of your society probably depends on lively meetings that are well attended. How else can you attract new members, never mind retain existing ones? If you need new ideas, have a look at what other societies do by looking at newsletters. You will find ideas – give a few a try. I find audience participation is best. What about some short YouTube videos? Competitions, items of interest … the list goes on and on. Find some interesting speakers who have entertained other clubs.

Exhibiting Classes

It’s not new, but it’s not currently a National Class. We are reintroducing Polar Philately and using the current Australian rules as our own. This will come into effect for the next National exhibition after Royalpex in March 2025 for which the prospectus has been issued. The main reason for this move is to remove barriers to exhibiting.
After a long debate within Philatelic Judges NZ they will be looking at having a set of judging standards developed to suit the local and regional exhibitions. We have had comments from societies pointing out the national guidelines were not appropriate for these “lower level” competitions. Until now 30% of marks were for rarity and importance, aspects new and aspiring exhibitors struggle to score well in. Of course, there is a downside to this argument. Someone scoring well at a regional level might expect to do well in nationals, so we will have to be careful to guide people through that transition. Watch this space for developments.

NZ Post matters

Halswell postmark

FDC for Jean Batten personalised stamp – Ferrymead postmark

At our last meeting with NZ Post Antony Harris said it was possible to request circular datestamps for agency use at no cost. The images show two new datestamps recently supplied by NZ Post. The Ferrymead cover is first day. Note the NZ Post logo is larger on the Halswell datestamp as there is no writing around the base of the cancel.
On a slightly different but allied note, I recently tried to get last day markings for nearby agencies which were closing with no replacement mail facilities. Mapua had been open since 1 Nov 1912 and Upper Moutere 1 Apr 1861. Neither place had any datestamps of any sort, so my specially prepared covers came home unused, which was a bit of a shame. The end of an era.
A previous Federation Newsletter outlined how you could use stamps for posting parcels, but if you are going to use NZ Post prepaid bags a dealer-friend suggests you tape over the zip strip, and sent ‘signature required’, although this is not much use if the recipient has an ‘authority to deliver’ arrangement in place, since the deliverer can then just drop off the parcel without needing a signature.


Here is the latest list, frequent changes noted.
Canberra Australian National 12-15th September 2024
Shanghai FIAP 29 Nov-3 Dec 2024
Royalpex NZ National Palmerston North 7-9th March 2025
Thailand FIAP 8-12th August 2025
Philakorea FIP 17-21st Sept 2025
UAE FIAP 8-12th Oct 2025 (possibly FIP)
Please note the Melbourne FIAP 2025 is now postponed till late 2027
Please note Boston May 2026 is now no longer an FIP show.

Federation Awards

At the last Federation meeting awards were agreed and the following Award for Service presentations have been made:

Ross Newman, Nelson Philatelic Society being presented by Josh Black Southern delegate.

Josh Black, Marlborough Stamp Collectors Club being presented by David Loe, President NZPF

Pauline Schwartz, Kapiti philatelic Society being presented by Paul McTaggart, Central region delegate.

There are further awards to be presented and I hope to picture these in the next newsletter.

Introducing some of the new executive members

Anna Whitehead, Treasurer

I’m a Chartered Accountant and work at one of the many Government agencies. I’m a born and raised Wellingtonian (go the ‘Canes!), and have twin 8-year-old boys, Ollie and James, who keep me on my toes. I’m also involved in our local school Board.
I have a small NZ stamp collection I started as a child. I used to enjoy going to the various stamp exhibitions and fairs with my father to buy stamps to complete sets. My boys have recently started Postcrossing, and I love seeing how excited they get when a new postcard arrives in the letterbox.
As a family we enjoy travelling and exploring new places (Ollie & James have a very long list of places they want to visit). Disneyland was our big trip, and we’re off to have a weekend in Sydney shortly.
I’m happy to be called upon for advice in managing your societies’ accounts. I’ve worked in numerous not-for-profit organisations, so have lots of experience.

David Loe – President

I moved to New Zealand with wife and two boys in 1996. Recently retired, I was a civil engineer and have worked around much of the country busy helping build a lot of civil infrastructure projects. Readers will be familiar with the Waikato Expressway, Hobsonville Motorway in Auckland and the Kaikōura earthquake rebuild but there were plenty of less glamourous sewage treatment works! Apart from the engineering side of things my abilities used to be organising teams to deliver complex projects and liaison with central and local government.
Philatelically I am a collector of anything from Iceland and have several exhibits of postal history, marcophily and traditional stamps. Recently I have built a collection of Nelson District Postal History. At least there is plenty of material available. Collecting Iceland in New Zealand is no easy matter.
I am a life member of North Shore Philatelic Society and a committee member of Nelson Philatelic Society. I have many other associations with specialised societies and have published widely. I am the NZ delegate on the FIP Traditional Commission and an FIP qualified judge in Traditional Philately.
Outside stamps I am a keen tramper – something I share with my wife. We are both also keen basketball followers – too old to play! Our youngest son is playing for Melbourne United this season. We also enjoy cycling – road and gravel. It keeps us fit!


Comments and inclusions for future newsletters always welcome. Please write to president@nzpf.org.nz.
In finishing this newsletter I note this is the 76th year of NZPF. We missed a milestone in 2023!