Welcome to this newsletter as we head towards summer. Continuing my theme of Federation assisting your society here are some more ideas to help your society prosper.
What can Federation do for you?
The main reason for the existence of Federation is to help societies. We do this in a number of ways – through advocacy and having a framework of exhibition standards and procedures, to name just a couple.
Something that Colin Dyer has started and then quickly followed up by John Powell (delegates for Central and Northern respectively) is to have a list of speakers and their subjects. This will assist societies by suggesting new speakers who can come and give entertaining presentations on subjects that are perhaps new to you. Please share the names of good speakers with your delegates who can then help fill the calendar for next and succeeding years. Lists are started for the two regions mentioned above.
Commission Delegates
When the Federation surveys its members (as it last did in 2017) one of the topics that is always high on the wants list is upskilling society membership with exhibiting tips.
If you go to the Federation website under https://nzpf.org.nz/about-us/international-involvement/fip/fip-commissions-nz-delegates/ you will find a list of delegates for FIP commissions. My own role as traditional delegate I see is to assist exhibitors of traditional class material understand the rules a bit better, encourage the formation and development of traditional exhibits and get more out of the material they probably already own. By way of example, I recently gave a talk at the Canberra Stamp Show on Title Pages. Delegates will be very happy to give your society a talk on exhibiting tips.
We all need exhibitions if we are to promote our hobby to the public. We need to attract more of the public to view what we collect, to gain new members and to keep our existing members involved and interested.
Those clubs which haven’t held an event for a long time may think they no longer have the skills necessary to run an exhibition, but help is at hand. Talk to your delegate and they may be able to provide expertise and advice, either directly or through others. There are organisations around the country to assist. It doesn’t have to be a huge event. But we need social interaction, dealers’ tables to buy and sell material and exhibits to view.
Nelson PS (sorry to blow our own trumpet!) recently had a Collecting History event in conjunction with a few allied societies (think local history, genealogy). They were well covered in the local press and the word got out. It was a bit like Antiques Road Show with dozens wanting their collections appraised. They had 40 one-frame exhibits with the help of the Marlborough Stamp Collectors Club and a good time was had by all.
“Don’t be a closet society” is my appeal.
Federation Awards

Graham Gauld, South Auckland Philatelic Society being presented by Tim Beach, Northern Region delegate.
Two more Awards for Service recipients.

Margaret Clarke, Horowhenua Philatelic Society being presented by Colin Dyer, Central Region Delegate. Photo Manawatu Times.
One addition since the last newsletter:
Sydney 20 – 23 March 2025 to be held at Wentworth Park Sporting Complex, 5 Wentworth Park Road, Glebe NSW. Martin Treadwell is the NZPF appointed commissioner. Go to https://www.sydney2025.com.au/ for more details.
Don’t forget to enter RPSNZ Royalpex 2025 National Exhibition 7 – 9 March 2025 in Palmerston North details at https://www.rpsnz.org.nz/ and entries close 22.11.24. Five international Royal Philatelic Societies are taking part plus individuals from NZ and Australia. No previous experience needed to enter. At this stage there is no other National exhibitions scheduled to be held in NZ, so here’s your chance. NZ Post and 10 dealer stands will be there.
Introducing some of the new executive members
John Powell – delegate Northern Region
An ex-Wellingtonian who grew up in the surf and on the hills of Titahi Bay. I currently reside in Mount Albert, Auckland. As a semi-retired, empty nester, I have now found time to reignite or discover hobbies and interests passed over by necessity during my time as a senior executive and director in the commercial world.
I am in my third year as President of the Auckland Philatelic Society and was recently elected as one of the two Northern Region delegates on NZPF.
My primary collecting interest is the early issues and postal stationery of Ceylon – I started this collection on the belief that a “dead country” at least provided a defined start and end but I’m now not certain that we ever stop finding new material that we just must try and acquire.
A born optimist, I am of the belief that our hobby will only decline if we let it, and that it’s our collective responsibility to ensure we promote and share the joy and passion a hobby such as ours can provide.
Colin Dyer – delegate Central Region
Colin’s stamp collecting journey began as a Hastings youngster inspired by his father and grandmother’s collections. An early interest in specialised NZ issues later expanded to the development of comprehensive collections of Italy and Germany. In the 1980s Colin became enamoured with “overprinted” stamps, initially with European colonial issues and subsequently specialising in overprints of military, occupations and plebiscites status, especially focusing on those issued during WWI and the immediate post war period of geo-political upheaval.
He joined the Manawatu Philatelic Society in 1975 when he transferred to Palmerston Nth. Soon after he was elected to the Committee and commenced a long serving tenure including as Treasurer, Vice President and President (since 2020). He was a member of the Exhibition organising Committees for Palmpex’82, Palmpex’99, Palmpex2010 and Royalpex’21 serving as Publicity Officer and Hall Mgr.
During 2003-07, Colin was elected to the Committee of the Hawkes Bay Philatelic Society following his interim return to the Bay and upon returning to Palmy re-joined the Manawatu Philatelic Society executive and also served three terms on the Central Districts Philatelic Trust.
As the principal convenor and promoter of the Central Districts Stamps, Coins & Postcards EXPO & Convention since 2014, his expertise has successfully developed this annual event into its current keynote status attracting widespread interest from Society members, local collectors and dealers from around the North Island.
During the last fifteen years Colin has been a regular guest speaker at societies and clubs throughout the lower North Island sharing a range of displays and topics which complement his passion for history.
Prior to his retirement in 2013, Colin had a successful 50 year career in retail management; stadium and event management (including a period as Secretary and President of the Entertainment Venues Association of NZ): hospitality ownership (Vice President of the Hawkes Bay Motelliers’ Assn) and retirement villages/care centres management. As an active retiree he has numerous roles serving on local club committees – alongside his commitments to philately!
Colin was elected to the Federation’s executive in 2023 as one of the Central Region’s representatives with a personal motivation of seeking to better connect the relevance and activities of the Federation with local Society/Club membership challenges and aspirations. He lives in Feilding.
Comments and inclusions for future newsletters welcome please.
In finishing this newsletter, I note that this is the 76th year of NZPF. We missed a milestone in 2023!
David Loe, President.