• Exhibitions
  • Exhibiting classes
  • Charities Act
  • Southern Ski Stamp Camp 2007
  • NZ National Philatelic Trust
  • Federation AGM
  • Upcoming Federation meetings


Upcoming New Zealand exhibitions

There is an interesting programme of exhibitions coming up for those of you who like exhibiting or just looking, or adding to your collections.

Tarapex 2008, 7-9 Nov 2008 (incorporating the Australasian Challenge)
Timpex 2009, Sept/Oct 2009, Timaru
Palmpex 2010, Oct/Nov 2010, Palmerston North
Canpex 2011, August 2011, Christchurch

Huttpex 2007

Huttpex 2007 is now history – a very successful exhibition, with enough exhibits to cover all interests but not so many that you couldn’t have a good look at many of them, and a good range of dealers who were kept on their toes throughout. The Grand Award was won by Don Richardson with US Postal Rates 1851-1863 and the Runner-up was Frank Pauer with Australian First Day Cover Producers 1913-1965.

Congratulations to all participants and to members of the Organising Committee!

Upcoming Overseas Exhibitions

Taipei, FIAP, 7-11 Mar 2008, Commissioner Norman Banfield
Canberra Stampshow 2008, Nat, 14-16 Mar 2008, Commissioner/Judge Jenny Banfield
Israel 2008, FIP, 14-22 May 2008, Commissioner Barry Scott
Efiro 2008 (Bucharest), FIP, 20-28 Jun 2008, Commissioner Ross Marshall
Sunstamp 2008 (Brisbane), Nat, 22-24 Aug 2008, Commissioner Tim Beach
Praga 2008, FIP, 12-14 Sept 2008, Commissioner Don Richardson
Jakarta, FIAP, 23-28 Oct 2008, Commissioner Len Jury
Hong Kong, FIAP, 30 Jan –3 Feb 2009, Commissioner Norman Banfield
Melbourne Stampshow 2009, Nat, 16-19 Apr 2009
Philakorea 2009, FIAP, 30 Jul – 4 Aug 2009, Commissioner Jenny Banfield
China, FIP, 16-19 Apr 2009, Commissioner Jeff Long
Dubai 2009, FIAP, Nov/Dec 2009 ?
London 2010, FIP, 8-15 May 2010, Commissioner Robyn Gwynn
India 2010, FIP, Sep 2010, Commissioner Barry Scott
Lisbon 2010, FIP, 1-10 Oct 2010, Commissioner Don Richardson
Stampex 2010 (S Africa), FIAP, 27-31 Oct 2010, Commissioner Ross Marshall

Results from St Petersburg 2007

Allan Berry NZ & Dependencies – A Philatelic Bibliography Literature, V
Norman Banfield, Imperial Russia –Censorship of Foreign Printed Matter 1 frame, V
Diana Johnson Russia Pre-revolutionary Arms Issues 1857-1917 Traditional, V
Adam Miller Stamps on Music: Worldwide Catalogue & Handbook, Literature, LV
Rick Oxenham Airmails of the Belgian Congo 1922-1945 Aerophilately, V
Royal Philatelic Society NZ, Postage Stamps of NZ – Postal Stationery Literature, G
Tony Thackery Proving First Day & Earliest Use of NZ Stamps 1855-1913 Traditional LV

Results from Sydney Stamp Expo 2007

Robert Duns Letters of War Soc LV
Greg Francis Postal History of the Province of Otago, New Zealand Postal Histiory, G+Sp
Alistair Gow Great Britain Registered Stationery Envelopes 1970-1995 Postal Stationery, S
Anthony Jones The NZ Postage Stamps of Edward VII Traditional, LV
Colin Larsen Gleanings from a Samoan Wastepaper Basket 1980-1992 Frugal, LV
Ross Marshall Russia Insured Money Correspondence Postal History, G + Sp
Ross Marshall US – USSR Scientist Exchange Programme in Antarctica Polar, V
Adam Miller The RPSNZ Library: A Listing of Library Holdings Literature, LS
Adam Miller Stamps on Music: Worldwide Catalogue & Handbook Literature, LV
Royal Philatelic Society of NZ Postage Stamps of NZ – Postal Stationery Literature, G
Graeme Russell Chemistry Serving Mankind Thematic, LV+Sp
Clace Schwabe A Philatelic Encyclopaedia of Sport Open, B
Ann Still Aspects of Camels Open, G+Sp
Harold Waite NZ Registered Envelopes 1884-1980 Postal Stationery, S
Paul Yap North Borneo Traditional, LS

Results from Bangkok 2007

Allan Berry NZ Govt Dept Printed Franks Postal Stationery, V
Allan Berry NZ Volunteer Militia Mail 1887-1905 1 frame, V
Robert Livingston NZ Internal Airmails 1919-1940 Aerophilately, LV
David Loe Classic Iceland 1873-1903 Traditional, LV
Paul Tyler The Penny Dominion of NZ Traditional, V

Exhibiting Classes

A ‘First Day Covers’ class has been added to the list of national philatelic classes, using judging criteria of the Australian experimental FDC class. This class was offered at Huttpex for the first time, and an Australian exhibitor was the runner-up to the Grand Award!

A “Development’ class has also been approved. This is for adult exhibitors, and is aimed at encouraging new exhibitors. Entries are open only to NZ entrants, may be one or two frames, and can be entered only by those who have not previously gained 70 points or more in a national exhibition for either a one frame or multi frame exhibit. Gemstone awards will be made.

Details about both these classes are available from Norman Banfield at [email protected]

Charities Act

The NZPF Secretary recently sent out a special notice about this Act and its likely applicability to philatelic clubs and societies.

Most of our members will be non-profit organisations and are therefore not liable for income tax on the first $1,000 of non-member income, but will probably not be a charity in terms of the new Act. It is strongly recommended you follow up on this matter, by reading the notice sent out by the Secretary and accessing the www.charities.govt.nz website.

Southern Skies Stamp Camp 2007

This year’s camp was held at the Blue Skies camp near Christchurch from 1-8 July. Geoff Tyson and Barbara Streeter were again to the fore, and many of those attending completed exhibits which were later seen at Huttpex 2007.

The Philatelic Youth Council (PYC) launched a new book at Huttpex covering the first 40 years of youth camps in NZ, 1966-2006. It has many photos of campers and venues and camp philatelic items, and is available from the PYC, PO Box 2979, Auckland for $35 plus $5 postage.

The NZ National Philatelic Trust

The Trust has supported a range of philatelic activities in NZ over many years now, including national exhibitions. It receives top-up funding from time to time from NZ Post. Organisers of future national exhibitions should note that there will be a profit-sharing arrangement between the exhibition and the trust in return for funding from NZ Post.

Federation Annual General Meeting

Don’t forget this is coming up in November. The Federation Secretary has sent some details already and will be providing further information in October. Remember this is your Federation, so it needs your input and support when it comes to nominating people for positions.

Upcoming Federation Meetings

If you have any matters you would like discussed at a Federation meeting, please contact your local Federation regional delegate.

Southern Region: Geoff Tyson, John Wilson (Timaru)
Central Region: Norman Banfield, Terry Isaac
Northern Region: Barry Scott, Monica Comrie

or the Federation Secretary Dave Fentress or President Jenny Banfield

The next meeting is November 23-24 including the AGM on November 24, to be held in Auckland at Level 2, Textile Centre, 117-125 St Georges Bay Road, Parnell.

Contact Details

If you have any comments, helpful ideas or want further information, contact the editor, Jeff Long, at [email protected] or the Secretary, Dave Fentress, at P O Box 19-119, Hamilton or at [email protected]

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