Special Regulations for the Evaluation of Youth Development Exhibits at New Zealand National Exhibitions

[Approved 22 July 2006]

Note: Youth Development is not a recognized FIP class. An award won for a youth development exhibit judged under the following national regulations will not qualify for entry in an FIP exhibition.

The objectives of this class are to:

  1. Encourage Youth collectors to “have a go” at exhibiting, and
  2. Provide a competition below the national level.
2.1 There are three age sections:
Age Class A. below age 13 years – 8 or 16 pages, and
Age Class B. age 13 – 15 years – 8 or 16 pages, and
Age Class C. age 16 – 21 years – 16 pages.”Age” is taken as the person’s age at 1 January in the year of competition.
2.2 All normal national classes are included in both age sections – there is no separation into Thematic and other classes. An Open Class type of exhibit should be judged in the same way as other exhibits but the non-philatelic material should not overwhelm the philatelic items.
2.3 The exhibit must have a title and a statement giving the purpose or objective of the exhibit is expected on the title page. A short tabulated plan is not mandatory but may be included.
Judging Criteria
Exhibits should be judged bearing in mind it is a youth development class and not a national class. Points should be awarded out of 25 for:
Treatment  25
Knowledge  25
Material  25
Presentation  25
Total 100

  • statement giving objective of the exhibit
  • title, objective and material to be in accord
  • development of story
  • originality and appeal


  • philatelic knowledge
  • subject knowledge


  • good condition
  • variety where appropriate

Presentation: – neat and tidy, good balance

  • good layout
  • write up legible and easily followed
Award Points
Bronze medal 50 – 59
Silver Bronze medal 60 – 64
Silver medal 65 – 69
Large Silver medal 70 – 74
Vermeil medal 75 – 79
Large Vermeil 80 – 100
Gold (only for exhibitors in Age Class C) 85 – 100
Every exhibitor will be given:

  1. a certificate showing the Award level and points achieved, and
  2. a “fair copy” of the judging sheet; and
  3. every exhibitor of 16-pages will also be given a medal inscribed with the word ‘Development’.