Special Regulations and Guidelines for the Evaluation of Frugal Exhibits at New Zealand National Exhibitions

Note: The Frugal philately class is not a recognised FIP class. An award won for an exhibit judged under the following national regulations may not qualify for an entry in an FIP exhibition.

The Frugal philately class concentrates on the criteria of treatment, importance, knowledge, research condition and presentation. There are limiting criteria with respect to the value of items included. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for collectors to display interesting items and enhance their philatelic skills rather than blunt their cheque books.The availability of such a class will encourage those who are put off exhibiting by the alleged high cost of items needed to compete in the normal classes. It will be purely a national class.
Entry size
Restricted to from three up to five frames (less would be unrepresentative of the subject, more would suggest an ability to enter a normal class).
Entry class
No restriction as to philatelic class, except for Youth and Philatelic Literature.
Special conditions
The value of the exhibit, at the time of the exhibition entered, should not exceed an average of approximately $NZ250 per frame. Thus for three frames a maximum of approximately $NZ750, four frames approximately $NZ1,000 and five frames approximately $NZ1,250.
5.1 The entries will be judged by the relevant philatelic class judging team using all the normal criteria and the appropriate judging sheet for the relevant class.
5.2 If the judging team considers the value to be higher than the average of approximately $NZ250 per frame the Chairman of the Jury is to be asked for an assessment to be made.
5.3 If the result of the assessment is that the exhibit exceeds the average of approximately $NZ250 per frame, the exhibit will be transferred to the normal class.
5.4 The reason for the transfer is to be recorded on the critique sheet.
5.5 Transfers will not normally be made for any other reason.
Normal medal awards will be made.Judges should hesitate before recommending no award at all. The object is to encourage exhibitors not to tell them to give up exhibiting.