• Federation executive
  • Federation awards
  • Federation meetings 2003
  • NZ National Philatelic Trust
  • Exhibition frames fees
  • Exhibition news
  • NZ Stamp Exhibition Trust
  • WNS – the WADP numbering system
  • NZ Inter-club one-frame competition
  • Judging seminars

Federation Executive

At the Annual General Meeting held in Wellington in November Keith Griffiths was re-appointed as President for a second term. David Fentress and Sandra List were also re-appointed as Secretary and Treasurer respectively.

Federation Awards

The Federation was pleased to announce the following awards at its AGM.

Awards of Honour: Norm Banfield and Jeff Long
Award of Merit: Anne Bevan
Philatelist of the Year: John Kelsey
Youth Philatelist of the Year: Amber Everett

Congratulations to these worthy recipients.

Federation Meetings 2003

8 Mar Wellington
12 Jul Hamilton
28/29 Nov Christchurch
29 Nov AGM Christchurch

NZ National Philatelic Trust

The Secretary to the Trust has reported the following to 31 Oct 2002.

$15,000 Northpex 2002 (ex NZ Post)
$ 1,500 Bryan Ogier for FIAP meeting in Chiang Mai
$ 2,000 Federation News in NZ Stamp Collector
$ 1,350 Wellington Regional Stamp Show
$ 500 grant plus $1,000 suspensory loan 2002 PYC Stamp Camp

$ 120 Judges Association for Judges Handbook update
$ 550 2001 Stamp Odyssey for repairs and maintenance of display frames

$ 3,000 grant plus $2,000 suspensory loan to Welpex 2003
$ 1,400 PYC for printing two newsletters in their next financial year

Refunds received
$ 550 PYC Foxton Stamp Camp blanace of loan not used
$ 600 Wellington Regional Stamp Show unexpended portion of grant
$ 2,000 2002 repayment of suspensory loan

Exhibition Frame Fees

At its meeting on 29 June the Federation executive agreed to changes in exhibition frame fees. Unfortunately most of the information published about these changes has been incorrect or misleading due to the omission of some details. The following sets out full details of the reasons for the changes, the changes themselves and the procedure to be followed.

Reasons for change The need for additional funds arises from the increasing cost of participation in international organisations – this includes the cost of membership and of representation on the boards or committees of FIP and FIAP. The Federation Executive felt these additional costs should be raised from national and international exhibitors who benefit directly rather than spread over all clubs. That is, those who benefit the most should contribute the most.

What has changed?

The frame fees charged by Federation to National exhibition organising committees will be increased from $3.00 to $6.00 per frame for competitive frames. This increase applies to all National exhibitions approved after 1 July 2002.

A levy of $6.00 per frame will be made by Federation on all New Zealand exhibits, except Youth entries, sent to overseas exhibitions (ie FIP, FIAP and Australian, Canadian or other Accord exhibitions) for which the Federation has appointed a New Zealand commissioner. The levy will be collected by the commissioner at the same time as exhibition fees and will be forwarded to the Federation prior to the exhibition. The levy will be collected for all exhibitions after 1 January 2003.

For a five frame exhibit the total frame levy for overseas exhibits approximates the entry fee for one extra frame at an Australian exhibit and between one third and one half of the entry fee for a frame at other overseas exhibitions. Both the Australian and UK federations charge their overseas exhibitors appreciably more

[AU$15.00 or UK£31.00 respectively per frame].

Exhibition News

Federation has approved the following national exhibitions for the years through to 2006. Some dates and venues are still to be confirmed.

7-9 Nov 2003 Welpex 2003 Stampshow Wellington
29-31 Oct 2004 Baypex 2004 Napier or Hastings
July 2005 Northpex 2005 North Shore
Nov 2006 Kiwipex 2006 Christchurch

Exhibition Results – Stampshow Melbourne 2002

Jenny Banfield (80) Large Vermeil
Norman Banfield (82) Large Vermeil
Stephen Chivers (76) Vermeil
Robert Dunns (80) Large Vermeil
Alistair Gow (68) Silver
Keith Griffiths (86) Gold + Special Prize
Frank Jans (90) Large Gold + Special Prize
Bruce Marshall (87) Gold
Bruce Marshall (80) Large Vermeil
Ross Marshall (87) Gold + Special Prize
Lynne Nicholl (73) Large Silver
Bryan Ogier (87) Gold + Special Prize
Deanna Parsons (Youth)(70) Large Silver
Philatelic Foundation (76) Vermeil
Stephen Shimmin (75) Vermeil
Doug South (85) Gold + Special Prize
George Stewart (70) Large Silver
Tony Thackery (68) Silver
Jillian Williams (66) Silver

Congratulations to all these exhibitors.

Commissioner Appointments

The Federation Executive has approved the following appointments for commissioners to exhibitions to be held in 2003/04.

China 2003 [FIAP] Jeff Long
Bangkok 2003 [FIP] Bryan Ogier
Singapore 2004 [FIP] Ross Marshall
Spain [FIP] Don Richardson
India 2004 [FIP] Stephen Chivers
Hong Kong 2004 [FIAP] Bryan Ogier
Newcastle 2004 Robert Duns

NZ Stamp Exhibition Trust

At the last Federation Executive meeting the Trust advised some significant changes being made to how the Trust will continue to support the hobby. Details will be appearing at New Zealand Stamp Exhibition Trust.

WNS – the WADP Numbering System

The World Association for the Development of Philately [WADP], under the aegis of the UPU, has introduced the world wide numbering system [WNS] of official stamps of UPU member countries, their territories and dependencies.

Launched on 1 January 2002, WNS is a system where every official postage stamp issued by participating UPU members is verified for authenticity, registered and assigned a unique number comprised of the internationally recognised ISO3166 2-letter country code, a serial number and the year of issue.

The increasing number of illegally produced postage stamps or labels offered for sale as stamps is one of the major reasons for the establishment of the system.

The stamp images, a brief description of them and their WNS number are made available through www.wnsstamps.ch which operates in English and French. It provides five search criteria – WNS number, issuing country, year of issue, month of issue and primary stamp theme.

NZ Inter-club One-frame Competition

In August the inaugural event of this competition by the Christchurch Philatelic Society was held at Rydges Hotel, Christchurch with seven clubs participating.

The intent of the competition was that each club, affiliated to NZPF, should submit a team entry of five 16-page or one-frame, stand-alone, entries from five different exhibitors. The selection of any team by whatever method is entirely up to the stamp club concerned and to help encourage smaller clubs a composite team entry from more than one club would be permitted.

The 2003 competition will be hosted by the Whangarei Philatelic Society and will be held at the St John Uniting Church Hall, Kamo Road, Whangarei on Saturday 17 May 2003 in conjunction with a stamp fair. At this stage it is anticipated five dealers will be in attendance. The winning team entry will be awarded a trophy donated by the Christchurch Philatelic Society.

Clubs interested in entering the competition should contact Mrs Monica Comrie, Secretary, Whangarei Philatelic Society, 3 Tudehope Road, R D 1 Kamo, WHANGAREI for details of entry classes, entry forms, charges, etc. Entries must be received by 7 May 2003.

Judging Seminars

It is intended to hold a judging seminar in Auckland on 3-4 May 2003. The subject under scrutiny will be judging one-frame entries. We have had some very wild swings in the marking of some exhibits at several competitions and the intention is to try and obtain a degree of consistency for the future.

There will be a requirement that each seminar participant will produce a one-frame exhibit to be shown, analysed and discussed.

More details will be forthcoming early 2003.

Next newsletter [35 – Jan 2004]    Previous newsletter [33 – Aug 2002]