• Stephen says
  • Federation awards 2018
  • Learning opportunities
  • Club news
  • Information for exhibitors
  • Exhibition reports

Stephen says –

Welcome to this First newsletter of 2018.  This year has so far gone very quickly and we have heaps to achieve as a federation so it’s just a matter of getting in and doing it.  A number of us on the executive wear more than one philatelic hat and are also involved with local societies and exhibitions.  Sometimes after working long days, once home it’s easy to doze off in front of the fire.
However, things are happening.

Society visits – We still hear occasionally from individuals or societies who don’t know their regional delegates to federation or haven’t met them.  Why not get your club to forward an invitation asking a Federation delegate to speak at one of your meetings.  The executive have a number of different collections and subjects they could speak on and I am continuing to encourage the executive to get out there and be seen.

NZPF AGM – Because of the good attendance at last year’s NZPF AGM during RoyalPex we plan to have this year’s AGM on Saturday 10 November during Armistice, the Dunedin exhibition.

Exhibitions – Between 9 and 11 November this year we have our next national exhibition, Armistice Stamp Show in Dunedin, a full national with all classes.  You have until the end of July to send off your entry form which can be found at http://www.armisticestampshow.com/forms-and-downloads or you can find a copy on the Federation website.  This may be the last New Zealand exhibition where you can qualify an exhibit for the NZ2020 international exhibition in Auckland.

We are still keen to have a member society/club host a full or half national exhibition next year.  2019 is getting close but there is still time.  If interested please get in contact with me or the NZPF secretary.  As indicated above an exhibition next year would provide an additional opportunity for new and existing exhibits to qualify for NZ2020.

In March I visited the half-national exhibition in Canberra.  This was most enjoyable; a very good location; and, plenty of dealers.  This was my first visit to the city of Canberra and to look forward to my next one.  The next Canberra exhibition is in March 2020, one week before NZ2020 so I will have to wait until 2022.

NZ2020 (19-22 March 2020) is on track.  We are currently working on the Prospectus (IREX), and the website and hopefully both should be available shortly.

Frames – We were very happy with the outcome of the trial with 40 upgraded frames at RoyalPex.  The executive have since discussed further options (such as the frames used in New York and Brazil) and decided to proceed with the method used for the trial.  Unfortunately, there has been a significant price increase but the executive has decided to proceed – if we don’t do this necessary work now, who knows when we would.  Plans are underway to upgrade 600 frames with the first 250 being ready in time to supply all the frames needed for Armistice later this year.

New Zealand Philatelic Trust – Jenny Banfield has decided to stand down after serving on the Trust for the last 14 years with the last half of this period as secretary.  Jenny was one of two Federation appointees on the Trust.  I would like to thank her for all the work and effort she has provided to the Trust over the years.

Federation, at our last meeting, appointed Sue Vernall as trustee to replace Jenny.  Subsequently, the trustees (two appointed by NZSDA and two by Federation) approved Sue as the secretary for the Trust.  Federation’s other appointee is currently Lindsay Chitty.

The trust was set up to support philatelic activities.  If you or your club have a case for a loan or donation for an activity supporting the hobby consider an application to the Trust.   Full details of the Trust can be found at https://nzpf.org.nz/about-us/trusts-involving-nzpf/nz-national-philatelic-trust/ and Sue can be contacted at [email protected]

Postcards – Postcard exhibiting has been part of the New Zealand and Australian national exhibition scene since the early 2000s (I think I first judged them back in 2005 in Freemantle).  The class has slowly been gaining traction in New Zealand especially with the Longs, Souths and other postcard stalwarts pushing the class any chance they got.  You cannot escape a philatelic meeting or exhibition where Jeff Long is present without Jeff pushing others for membership of the postcard society.

Postcard exhibiting is about to take off.  There was a trial Postcard class at Finlandia 2017, an international, which proved very successful.  It is anticipated the class will be available at the World exhibition in China and the Asian international in Singapore next year.  We are anticipating a postcard class at NZ2020.  So why don’t you give postcard exhibiting a go.  A lot of you have no doubt been accumulating postcards over a period, possibly to augment a stamp collecting interest.  It may now be the time to do something with them.  Postcards, as with other classes of exhibiting, can be as cheap or expensive as you want and at the end of the day most points are awarded for doing the background research and how well you tell the story.

Publicity – It is surprising how new philatelic publicity appears.  Robin Gywnn’s discovery of the Tiflis stamp and his persistence in getting the stamp recognised for what it was made it in the press, internet and philatelic publications in New Zealand, England and further afield.  It got non-philatelic people talking about the hobby which is always good – well done Robin!  It is amazing how much free publicity a small, non-descript piece of paper can generate.

Awards – Finally, it is that time of the year for clubs to think about nominating members for the annual Federation awards.  The different categories of awards; the criteria for each; nomination forms; and, guidelines for providing relevant information are all provided on the Federation website.  They can be found at https://nzpf.org.nz/about-us/philatelic-awards/

Nominations must be with the secretary by 30 June.

I can be contacted by email at any time – [email protected]

Stephen Chivers

Federation awards 2018

As the president indicated above the time for nominating people for Federation awards has come.  Nominations must be with the secretary of Federation by 30 June 2018.  There are forms on the NZPF website for each category of Award (except Award of Philatelic Excellence) and this is the ideal way to send them.  However, hard copy is fine and if your club no longer has the appropriate forms please contact [email protected] and he will be happy to provide them.

Notes for societies making nominations were attached to the letter forwarding the minutes of the March executive meeting to societies.  While each award has specific criteria the notes suggest information that should be provided to ensure your nominee receives a fair assessment of their contributions.  These notes can be found at https://nzpf.org.nz/about-us/philatelic-awards/notes-for-award-nominations/

Learning opportunities


A postcard seminar is to be held Friday 7 September 1:00pm to 6:00pm at the Philatelic Centre, 67 Mandeville Street, Christchurch.  Attendees do not need to be a paid up member of the NZ Postcard Society, but of course new members are always welcome! To enable the organisers to supply materials and refreshments, they need to know who will be attending.  Please email Jeff Long at [email protected]

The draft programme is as follows:

Background and overview:

  • definition of a picture postcard – what is, and what isn’t, for exhibiting purposes.
  • undivided back cards, and divided back cards, private cards
  • changing rates and regulations for postcards
  • judging criteria – recent changes
  • overview of the criteria: idea and plan, treatment, types of postcard exhibits, knowledge and research, condition and rarity, presentation
  • useful websites.

There will also be more detailed discussion on:

  • assessing the rarity of picture postcards
  • how picture postcards are manufactured, and distinguishing between four basic types
  • the ‘internationalisation’ of picture postcard exhibiting and likely future opportunities to exhibit.

Practical exercises will be a part of the afternoon activities.

On Saturday September 8 another full day of postcard activities (primarily talks and displays by Postcard Society members) will take place while on Sunday there is a Collectables Fair.

Please send any questions and a note of your attendance to the organisers, Jeff & Jenny Long

Club news

The following details the information presented to the Federation meeting in March by your regional delegates.  In many cases the information has been provided to them directly or through the clubs’ newsletters.  Some time is set aside each meeting to discuss these reports as they are intended to inform the executive of the activities of the Federation’s members and identify issues they might be able to address.  They are included here to show the wide spread of activities of our societies around the country.

We are sure you will find some of the comments of interest and some may surprise you.

Please ensure your delegates are advised of your club’s activities and concerns so they may be raised at the Federation’s meetings.


Planned society events:

Some of the many events planned in the Northern Region over the year are as follows:

  • 14 April South Auckland Stamp Fair
  • 12 May Whangarei Stamp Fair
  • 26 May Auckland Red Dot Sale
  • 2-4 June Model X
  • 9 June Auckland Exhibition
  • 23 June Northern Combined Meeting
  • 28 July Auckland Red Dot Sale
  • 25 August Whangarei Stamp Fair
  • 29 September Auckland Red Dot Sale
  • October North Shore Exhibition
  • October Waikato Ambury Shield Day

Auckland Philatelic Society

Hall bookings, through the Auckland Council, are now done online and it is proving difficult. Bookings open 1 March for June-June. There is no guarantee of getting your ‘usual’ meeting night as when booking for the coming year comes online it is a case of first in gets the event slot.  One scheduled evening meeting and a red dot sale have not been available. Payment is also expected for the year in advance where it was previously invoiced monthly.

The exhibition on 9 June will be invited displays with a Wars and War Philately theme. The usual count of ten dealers was proving difficult to book.

South Auckland Philatelic Society

Stamp Fair April 14.  Six dealers were booked.


Started with a quiz this year.

North Shore

The year has started well with good attendance at meetings. The Allan Berry Library still being catalogued and is nearly ready for use.

City of Sails

Epsom Community Centre Family Day coincided with a meeting at the same venue. One potential junior and more adults indicated interested and were given information on clubs in their area.  The club will have a presence at South Auckland Fair and Model-X Exhibition to promote the hobby.  We are requesting space for 10 double-sided frames of display material at Model-X.  At the time of reporting, one dealer was looking at having a table.  City of Sails would like all clubs to be involved to promote the hobby.

Northern Association of Philatelic Societies

Northern Association invited club members to attend RoyalPex and provided travel subsidies where multiple members travelled in the same vehicle. A number of clubs applied and were given subsidies.

The Northern Association has been subsidising an Auckland Philatelic Society mail out to promote its June Exhibition. The Association will have a pamphlet promoting the northern clubs inserted with the mail out. This mail out is going to the Dealer mail out list and we know a significant number of these recipients are not club members.


November / December

Most clubs entered into the wind down period for club activities.  Notable things included:

Upper Hutt noted that in order to reduce cost they have entered into exchanging an electronic version of their newsletter with a number of societies/clubs across New Zealand. While this is logical it is also sad given our focus is philately.

RoyalPex exhibition was held over the 24 – 26 November and while not a Central District event it was hosted by the Royal Philatelic Society (a society with an office in the Central Region) at the Distinction Hotel in Hamilton. Thanks go to Lindsay Chitty and his team of helpers for the extensive effort that they put in to make this event a great success.

January / February

Andrew Sknar (Junior) presented to the Wellington Philatelic Society on his exhibit “Computers – their evolution and impact on Communications”.

March / April

The Upper Hutt Stamp Club held its AGM on the 19th March

For the March period most societies reported that they are back into the swing of the normal routine of club meeting and invited speakers

Upcoming events – April

  • April 3 – Hutt Valley Philatelic Society AGM
  • April 14 – Central Districts Collectors’ Stamp and Coin Expo – Palmerston North
  • April 23 – Wellington Philatelic Society AGM


Marlborough Stamp Collectors’ Club

It’s been a busy few months for the Marlborough club.  They now have an outline for the coming year as to what the club activities will be and are in the midst of planning the NZ Inter-club One-frame competition.

Leading up to Christmas they were fairly quiet but In January we had Jenny Banfield speak on her revenues which was well received and in March they had a special meeting where Lindsay Chitty spoke on his Maoritanga exhibit also well received.  The fact they have their own facility meant they could have the meeting on an unscheduled night.

The room’s kitchenette is now fully installed and finished.

Nelson Philatelic Society

Nelson has been fairly quiet with them having their usual activities.  They plan to have a membership drive later this year which Josh Black plans to attend.

Christchurch Philatelic Society

The Christchurch society, as usual, has been fairly busy with various people and speakers.

Karen Jefferies is organising the upcoming youth camp which I’m sure will be a lot of fun and I am still hoping to attend that.

Their museum has had a bit of a makeover with Robert Dunns and his team of helpers moving things around to enable them to put more on display.

The library has received more material from Gerald Ellott and they are in the process of cataloguing it.

NZ Stamp Collectors Club

The Stamp Collectors Club newsletter ‘Stamping Around’ continues to report good attendances, a varied programme and lots of local activity.

In April the club recorded the passing of one their long time members, past-President and Patron Henk Smits.  Henk will be remembered fondly by many people around the country.  He was a regular attendee of Federation meetings in the past, was its delegate on the Maximaphily Commission and, for a period, was its President.

Timaru Philatelic Society

Timaru celebrated its 90th birthday on 24 February 2018 with a Stamp Fair and anniversary dinner. See the full report below.

Dunedin Philatelic Society

The Society noted the death of Greg Francis whose funeral was held on 22 March. Don White in a tribute noted Greg was the only member in the society to hold an International Gold Medal.

The Society is considering holding additional afternoon meetings in the winter.  They have also decided to take stamps fairs to other fairs such as school or church fairs.

It seems that three new exhibitors are preparing exhibits for the Armistice Stamp Show.

Southland Stamp Club

The club has offered to pay members 50% of frame fees to those entering the Armistice Stamp Show who are new exhibitors or have not received more than 70 points in a NZ National Exhibition. This does not apply to new exhibitors in class 6b, half frame new exhibitors as this is already subsidised.  Two local members have indicated they will be entering and assistance is being offered to help them.


During the day a successful Stamp Fair was held at the Red Cross Rooms. With the help of Allan Hollows and Simon Allison of NZ Post a special Anniversary date stamp was created and Stephen McLachlan (Shades Stamp Shop) created two CALs featuring the Benvenue Lighthouse and Little Blue penguin, First Day Covers and Maxi Cards.

In the evening, 70 people comprising mainly current and former members of the Society and their partners helped the Society celebrate its 90th year in fine style at the Seven Oaks Reception Centre.  A full history of the society, comprised of 76 A4 pages with information extracted from its minute book, had been prepared by Robin Prowse and was presented for the archives.

MC was President Colin McRobie, who introduced the guest speakers: Ray Bennett (Patron of the Society), Andrew Falloon (MP for Rangitata), Dave Jack (representing the Timaru District Council), Simon Allison (Head of NZ Post Stamps and Coins), Bob Gibson (secretary NZ Philatelic Federation) and Arthur Clarke (who, with 67 years, had the record for longest membership).  Ray and Arthur spoke of the past history of the society; Andrew and Dave on their early enthusiasm for stamp collecting, Dave stressing especially the importance of letters through history and for genealogy research; Simon on the changing nature of NZ Post (he was in a slightly unenviable position as NZ Post had just announced a 13.8% plunge in letter delivery and a core business loss of $13 million but they were concentrating on their courier service which operates 7 days a week and people still collected stamps); Bob delivered a congratulatory letter from the Federation.  All spoke of their admiration for the Society and expressed a wish that they would be present at the 100th anniversary.

Also present was Stephen McLachlan representing the NZ Stamp Dealers Association (Steve gave his first talk to the Society in May 1976 on Ships on Stamps) as well as dealers from Christchurch and Dunedin, Jo Luxton (Labour List MP) and Rachel Comer (Timaru Herald).  The Herald gave the Society good publicity of the society’s celebrations.

Bob Gibson read the following message from the Federation:

“On behalf of the NZ Philatelic Federation and therefore your society’s fellow clubs and societies, I would like to congratulate the Timaru Philatelic Society on achieving its milestone 90th year.  Our records show that the Timaru Philatelic Society was a foundation member of the NZ Philatelic Federation and was represented when it held its first meeting in October 1948.  Your society has been well represented in Federation business during the ensuing period.  A Timaru member was president for a period and the society was represented on the executive committee for a number of years.  Indeed for over 10 years John Wilson was a valued member of the Federation’s executive. 

Throughout its existence the society has actively promoted the hobby in Timaru and South Canterbury and has regularly run fairs and even the occasional exhibition of which the last, Timpex 2009, was perhaps the most impressive.  For a society the size of Timaru to hold such a successful, full national philatelic exhibition was a credit to your membership and their enthusiasm for the hobby.

Thank you for the society’s support over the years and best wishes for its future.”

A big birthday cake was prepared for the event decorated with the Society logo (featuring the 1950 1/- value issued for the Canterbury Centennial with its aerial view of Timaru and Caroline Bay). The cake was ceremonially cut by Patron Ray Bennett (member since July 1953), current president Colin McRobie (member since October 1964) and Arthur Clarke (member since May 1951).

Displays were provided to view during the evening from Ray Bennett; James William Grant, member from March 1949 until his death in 1970 and Patron from 1957-1969, the Grant Memorial Cup was donated by his niece Miss Hestor Wigley in his memory; John Wilson, member from 1979 until his death in 2011, office holder and newsletter editor. Also on display were philatelic jigsaws, and posters and banners lent by NZ Post.

[The notes for the above were prepared from material provided by Robin Prowse. Thank you Robin.]


At the March meeting the executive reviewed their efforts to visit as many member clubs/societies as they could during 2017 which resulted in over 70% of our members being visited.  Obviously a number of members were not visited and it was agreed special efforts will be made to visit these during 2018 along with further visits to other members.

Members of the executive are willing to speak on their collections (and between them they have a wide range of subjects to present) in addition to providing updates of Federation activities and fielding queries you may have about Federation.  Please contact your delegates, the President or secretary to determine availability.  Contact details are on the Federation website or contact [email protected]

Information for exhibitors


Auckland Philatelic Society Exhibition – 9 June

This event is to be held 9:30-4:30 on 9 June at the Mt Eden War Memorial Hall, 487 Dominion Road, Balmoral, Auckland.  Displays will be around the theme ‘Wars and War Philately’.

NZ Inter-Club One-frame Competition – 22 September

This event will be held 9:30-4:00 on 22 and 23 September at the Redwoodtown Community Hall, Blenheim.  This is being run by the winner of last year’s competition Marlborough Stamp Collectors Club.  All societies should have received details of the competition including rules, fees, dates, etc.

More information at https://nzpf.org.nz/societies-clubs/marlborough-stamp-collectors-club/  or contact the organiser [email protected]

North Shore Philatelic Society Exhibition – 6 October

The annual event run by the society will be held 10:00-4:00 on 6 October at St Georges Church Hall, 2 The Terrace, Takapuna.  For more information check http://www.northshoreps.com/html/events.asp the society’s website.

Waikato Ambury Shield Day – 27 October

This annual event is to be held 10:00-4:00 on 27 October at the Fairfield Baptist Church Hall, 1101 Heaphy Terrace, Hamilton.  Full details can be found on the Waikato Society page on the Federation website.  Look for AMBURY SHIELD on https://nzpf.org.nz/societies-clubs/waikato-philatelic-society/

For these and other philatelic activities check the NZPF website at https://nzpf.org.nz/whats-on/

If you want your activity to be listed or information currently on the website to be updated or corrected please contact [email protected]


At its meeting in Sofia on 16 April the FIP Board agreed to a change in the split of points under the ‘Treatment’ heading. The split is now:

Treatment                          30
Title & Plan    10
Treatment     20

‘Importance’ has been removed and the split of ‘Treatment’ into two lots of 5 points has also gone.

These changes are effective internationally from Praga 2018 (August) and will apply in New Zealand from Armistice 2018.  The amended judging sheets can be found on the Federation website.


FIP recognise there are many collectors of Postcards and wish to encourage exhibiting.  It was confirmed by the FIP Board that the Postcard class will be included in China 2019.  At FIAP level it will be included in Singapore 2019 and should be included in NZ2020.


Exhibitions notified for 2018 are as follows:

  • Praga 2018 praga2018.cz , Specialised FIP (Trad, Post H, Modern, Open and 1-frame), 15-18 August 2018, Commissioner Jenny Banfield
  • Macao 2018 http://www.macao2018.org.mo, 35th Asian International, 21-24 September 2018, Commissioner Norman Banfield
  • The Armistice Stamp Show http://armisticestampshow.com NZ National, 9-11 November 2018, Dunedin
  • Thailand 2018, which replaces the previously advertised Malaysia 2018 exhibition, is to be held in Bankok 28 November – 3 December.  This will be an FIP exhibition including FIP Congress.  Commissioner Jenny Banfield.

Exhibitions for 2019 are currently as follows:

  • Stockholmia 2019, http://www.stockholmia2019.se 29 May to 2 June 2019. This exhibition is open only to members of the Royal Philatelic Society London, the world’s oldest philatelic society, which is celebrating its 150th
  • Sydney 2019, 13-16 June 2019, Australian National including Australasian Challenge and Postcard Challenge.
  • Singapore 2019, FIAP exhibition, Suntec Convention Centre
  • China 2019, Apr/May 2019, Jiangsu or Hubei Province, China


Yes! Thirty years after our last international exhibition in New Zealand (NZ1990) we will again see an international exhibition in Auckland.  The event has received FIAP endorsement and a formal contract with FIAP will be signed during Macao 2018.

The venue is the Ellerslie Event Centre – more commonly known as the Ellerslie Race Course.  There are good transport options to the site (including public transport – bus and train), plenty of parking and nearby hotel accommodation.

This will be a great opportunity to see exhibits rarely if ever seen in this country and a wide range of dealers and postal administrations offering their products.

Over the coming two years societies in New Zealand will be asked to provide support in a number of different ways and Federation is sure this will be readily forthcoming.  Watch for more information.

Exhibition reports

EPAEX 2018

Norman Banfield, NZ commissioner/judge for this exhibition, provided the following report.

This was a United Arab Emirates National exhibition 6-10 March 2018 with GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) participation.  New Zealand participated under the accord Federation has with the Emirates Philatelic Association (EPA).

I was appointed NZ Commissioner as there was a FIAP EXCO meeting in Dubai at the same time.

The exhibition was held in the DragonMart2 shopping mall.  Exhibits were of one to five frames covering Traditional, Postal History, Aerophilately, Thematics, Youth, Open, Postcards and Literature – a total of 101 frames plus three Literature entries.  There were also three 8-frame non-competitive exhibits.

There were two judging teams – I was team leader for Postal History, Aerophilately, Youth, Open, Postcards and Literature with one FIP judge and an apprentice and I was also Jury Secretary.  The aim of the exhibition was to encourage new exhibitors.  Critiques at the frames were given to a number of local exhibitors and ongoing help is being provided to some of them by Jenny and me – but it is clear that further guidance is required. There were no written critiques.

I took 20 frames from New Zealand and their results were as follows.  [Note they used FIP medal levels]:

Bob Gibson Reducing Risks on our Roads TH, 5 fr, 76 LS
Karen Jeffrey Monarchs of Britain: Queen Victoria to Elizabeth II OP, 5 fr, 77 LS
Jenny Long Estuary to Esplanade: The Sumner Coast, Christchurch, NZ PC, 3 fr, 87 LV
Sue Claridge Military NZ Hospitals WWI – England PC, 4 fr, 81 V
Neil Fenwick NZ ½d Green Mt Cook 1900-1908 OF-TR, 1 fr, 83+SP
Jeff Long NZ Proof of Delivery Service OF-PH, 1 fr, 83
Rick Oxenham Motorcycle Courier Service CAM 1 – USA, OF-AE, 1 fr, 81

With Jenny’s help we were able to hand carry the 20 frames.  Accommodation for two nights was at the Ibis Styles Hotel at the end of the mall.  This made mounting easier with a 10:00 pm start to put up frames. Dismounting was allowed from 9:30 pm but by then we were at the Al Khoory Hotel about 20km away. Flights were by QANTAS Wellington–Melbourne–Dubai with a 6:30 am arrival and we were met at the airport.

The Palmares was held at a desert venue after a 6 km ‘sand bashing’ ride.  Medals were presented to Commissioners, Jurors and helpers.  The meal was followed by entertainment – belly dancer, whirling dervish and ‘fire display’.  As usual, EPA hospitality was of an exceptionally high standard.

On 8 March, after the FIAP EXCO meeting, there were two seminars – “Picture Postcards” by Glen Stafford and “Postal History – Creating and Improving Your Exhibit” by myself.  Tay Peng Hian (FIP President) also made some comments on completing entry forms and Commissioners’ responsibility to check them.

My thanks to NZPF for appointing me as NZ Commissioner.


This Australian half-national exhibition was the Canberra Society’s 20th exhibition.  The ‘lamp’ symbol represents the 150th anniversary of the arrival of Lucy Osburn and a team of the first Nightingale trained nurses in Australia

Josh Black, NZ commissioner/judge for this exhibition provided the following report.

Off to Canberra on my first job as a commissioner/judge for the New Zealand Philatelic Federation I was well supported with nine entries from adults and four from youth (62 frames).  It was good to know I had experienced people to ask for advice all of which was freely given and greatly appreciated.

My biggest concern was going through the Customs process.  I followed NZPF guidelines and asked a few questions of various people about the process but was still a little nervous.  However, things went relatively smoothly with no problems.  Customs in Australia did check one frame from an exhibit and that was it.  It was harder getting them to stamp the export certificate but even then it was easy.

The exhibition itself went smoothly and was well organised with mounting and dismounting.  The 350 frames of exhibits were taken down in just over an hour and the bin room process worked well. Each exhibit was receipted in and marked off on an Excel spread sheet on the bin room’s computer and placed in a carton for that exhibit only.  A team then signed for an exhibit to mount, mounted it and brought back the envelopes and carton.  When dismounting, a team would get an exhibit to dismount, place it in the envelopes and carton and return it to the bin room.  I presented my receipts for the relevant exhibits I was carrying and checked them before taking them away.

Still being a relatively novice judge, I was judging with Ross Wood (Team leader), Elspeth Bodley (Team Leader – postcards) and Ian McMahon – three very experienced judges and all of them made me feel very welcome.  In total we judged 22 Exhibits in 9 different classes so my brain was a bit frazzled.  We did Modern, Frugal, Topical, Youth, Thematic, Postcards, First Day Covers, Postal History, Aerophilately and Revenues.  A big variety with many different rules and to spice it up some were judged at State level.

New Zealand results

Our exhibitors did well claiming special prizes and all the youth entries were from New Zealand.  The results are shown below:

Denise Rosenfeldt NZ Post Office Fast Post Service Frugal, 5fr, 83 LV +SP
Lindsay Chitty NZ’s First Stamp Issue: The Full Face Queens TR, 5fr, 84 LV
Lynn Nicholl Bees OP, 6fr, 82 LV
Monica Comrie Honey OP, 5fr, 85 G + SP
Paul McTaggart Supreme Valour OP, 5fr, 82 LV
Stephen Chivers NZ 1985-90 Janet Marshall Designed Endangered Birds TR, 5fr, 82 LV
Sue Simmonds In Pursuit of the North Pole OP, 5fr, 85 G
Tim Beach New Zealand 1960 Pictorials TR, 8fr, 83 LV
Amy Rosenfeldt New Zealand Rose Definitives Youth, 3 fr, 85 G + SP
Emma Rowe Dessert – A History of Temptation Youth, 1 fr, 78 V
Isabella Beach The World’s Most Popular Sport Youth, 4fr, 73 LS
Samantha Rowe Children’s Literature – A History Youth, 1fr, 81 LV + SP

Jenny Long’s A Study of New Zealand Pictorial Postcards was an invited display

Topical Class

Still an experimental class, this initially only had two exhibits but two were later transferred into it.

It’s a subject-like class but if the topic was ‘The Spitfire’ the exhibit has items depicting the plane and you could not include famous fighter pilots.  This class would be Ideal for those people with that type of collection who don’t want to observe the Thematic or Open rules.  It must be noted that all items have to be philatelic but first day covers are fine.  The possibility of people using it to develop an exhibit before making it Open or Thematic is quite likely and a good way to use the class.

My overall opinion is it has the makings of a good class.


In summary a nice exhibition to be invited to and I feel privileged NZPF gave me the opportunity to go as a commissioner.  I am very thankful to the exhibitors from New Zealand who entered.

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