• NZ exhibitions
  • Overseas exhibitions
  • Te Papa display 2005 Stamped
  • Youth news
  • NZ Post news
  • New National exhibiting class
  • Youth awards
  • Apprentice judges at national exhibitions
  • Social class
  • Your web page of the Federation website
  • Acknowledge source material
  • Wanting support or material from NZ Post?
  • Promotional material
  • News release for judges and apprentices

New Zealand Exhibitions

Art in Miniature and NZ Inter-club One-Frame competition

Art in Miniature hosted by the Marlborough Stamp Collectors Club and the Air Mail Society of NZ has just concluded. This was a non-competitive display, but also included the NZ Inter-club One-Frame competition.
This year 8 clubs entered, with the following results:
Manawatu Philatelic Society (424 points)
Christchurch Philatelic Society (400)
North Shore Philatelic Society (370)
Marlborough Stamp Collectors (370)
Hastings Stamp Collectors Club (362)
Airmail Society of NZ (361)
Whangarei Philatelic Society (353)
Wanganui Philatelic Society (340)

Two entries achieved the highest level of award (a diamond); both were members of the Manawatu Society and both were from the same family!

  • Jenny Banfield with Postal History Study of Airmails from Iraq – the RAF Period
  • Norman Banfield with Imperial Russia Censorship of Prison Mail 1884-1916

The judges for this competition were Jeff Long, Barry Scott and Sue Claridge.

Upcoming NZ Exhibitions

There is an interesting programme of exhibitions coming up, leading off with NZ2005 to be held very short1y. For those of you who like exhibiting or just looking, or adding to your collections get out your diaries.

NEW ZEALAND 2005 Nov 17-20 North Shore Events Centre
KIWIPEX 2006 (FlAP support) Nov 2-5, 2006 Christchurch
NORTHLAND 2007 1 Mar – 1 Apr, 2007 Whangarei (Traditional, Postal Stationery, Open, One-frame classes)
TARAPEX 2008 Aug/Sep, 2008 New Plymouth (Incorporating the Australasian Challenge)
TIMPEX 2009 Sep, 2009 (Timaru)

Overseas Exhibitions

Taipei 2005

Taipei 2005 has also just been completed, with some NZ entries doing very well. Jeff Long was a member of the Jury, Norman Banfield successfully served his apprenticeship in Postal History, and Jenny Banfield served as the Commissioner. The results of the competition were:

Allan Berry N Z Government Department Printed Franks 78 LS
Monica Comrie The Forgotten Forces – WW 2 Military Post Offices of the Northern Territory of Australia 82 V
Keith Griffiths N Z Airmail Letter Cards 74 S
Helen Harris NZ Official Stamps & Related Material 85 LV
David Loe The Early Postmark Types of Iceland 79 LS
Rick Oxenham Airmails of the Belgian Congo 1922-1947 79 LS
Don Richardson US Postal Rates 1851-1863 94 G Sp Prize
Stephen Shimmin 1948 Palestine British Mandate and the Jewish Peoples Council Postal Service 75 LS

Awards in the one-frame class were Gold (90 points or more), Silver (70-89 points) or Bronze (50-69 points) certificates. Results from NZ entrants were excellent: only five gold awards were made from 36 entries and NZ scored three of them!

Bruce Chadderton Marjan Rowinski – His War Years 81 S
Ross Marshall Moscow-Antarctica: the Return Flights 92 G Special Prize
Ross Marshall Russia Foreign Insured Money Letters 1901-1917 90 G
Barry Scott WW 2 NZ Prisoner of War Air Lettercards 1941-1945 90 G Felicitations (Research)
Anne Still King George V Official Court Mourning 80 S

Upcoming Overseas Exhibition

Canberra Stamp Show 18 – 20 Mar, 2006 Commissioners: David Loe (NI), Steve McLachlan (SI) (Australasian Challenge event)
Washington ’06 27 May – 3 Jun, 2006 Commissioner Don Richardson
Adelaide Stampex 2006 18 – 20 Aug, 2006 Commissioner Robert Livingstone
Espana 2006 7 – 13 Oct, 2006 Commissioner Robin Gwynn
Belgica 2006 6 – 20 Nov, 2006 Commissioner Jeff Long
Brasiliana 2007
Sydney 2007 23 – 25 Mar, 2007
Canberra 2008 15 – 17 Mar, 2007 (half national)
Brisbane 2008 August, 2008 (half national)
Israel 2008 14 – 22 May, Tel Aviv
EFlRO 2008 15 – 22 Jun, 2008 Bucharest

Te Papa Display 2005 Stamped

The 15Oth anniversary of the postal service in New Zealand is currently being celebrated at the Museum of New Zealand, Te Papa Tongarewa. Sponsored by New Zealand Post, Stamped: Celebrating New Zealand’s Postal History is great viewing for both philatelic enthusiasts and those with a general interest in stamps. Entry is free! Have you been yet?

Stamped is on show through to Sunday 15 January 2006. For further information please contact: The Museum of New Zealand at email [email protected] or their website at www.tepapa.govt.nz or view the NZPF website at www.nzpf.org.nz

Youth News

Just a reminder that the annual stamp camp is coming up in October 2-8, and will be held at Wainuiomata this year. How about your club sponsoring a youth or two to attend? Details from Geoff Tyson at 03 354 1064 or [email protected]

NZ Post News

Upcoming Issues for NZ POST include:
Oct King Kong, and Christmas
Nov NZ 2005 issue, and Ross Dependency (preservation of the historic huts)
‘The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe’ film based on the book by C S Lewis

Jan Year of the Dog issue
Feb Hawke Bay Earthquake commemorative issue
Mar 2006 Commonwealth Games in Melbourne
Apr the Queens’ 80th Birthday (joint issue with Jersey)
May Washington exhibition issue
Jun Maori Performing Arts
Jul Renewable Energy
Aug Health (‘five fruit and veges a day’)
Sep Gold Rushes
Oct Summer Festivals
Nov Ross Dependency (50th anniversary of Hilary’s trans-continenta1 trip), Christmas

… and surely an issue to commemorate Kiwipex 2006!

New National Exhibiting Class

Picture postcards has now been approved by Federation as a national competitive exhibiting class. The class will be offered at both NZ 2005 and Kiwipex 2006 exhibitions so far. Details are available from the Editor of this News Release, the Federation Resource Kit, and shortly on the NZPF website.

Youth Awards

A bronze award will now require 50 – 59 points rather than 55 – 59. Exhibits scoring 40-49 points will receive a Diploma. This brings the bronze award for youth into line with that for adult entries.

Apprentice Judges at National Exhibitions

A guideline regarding apprentice judges will be included ID the next update to the Judges Manual.

Social Class

With the ongoing development of the Open Class to the stage where it is now an experimental class at the world level, the Federation would like to receive feedback on whether or not the Social Class should be dropped as a national class at some future time. This request has already been sent to all members of Federation, but with little response so far. Please send your ideas to the Secretary at [email protected]

YOUR web page on the Federation site

Have you updated your page yet? Thirteen have responded to the webmaster’s request, but the remaining clubs still have pages very much out-of-date, Bob Gibson is happy to receive updates either electronically or in paper form, so how about looking at your page TODAY and seeing if it is up to date? Contact [email protected] The site is at www.nzpf.org.nz

Acknowledging source material

Just a reminder to newsletter editors to obtain clearance from the appropriate source if quoting or copying. If clearance is obtained, or is not necessary, still please acknowledge the source of your material. The copyright laws in NZ are fairly stringent.

Wanting support or materials from NZPOST?

Just a reminder that clubs and societies requesting material ftom NZ POST for promotional materials directly is not in accordance with the agreement Federation has with NZ POST. Such requests should be forwarded through the NZ National Philatelic Trust via the Secretary, John Wilson, P 0 Box 315, Timaru. The Trust will forward the request to New Zealand Post together with a recommendation to NZ Post for suitable material or other reply.

Promotional Material

Just a reminder that the Christchurch Philatelic Society has arranged for some interesting one-frame exhibits to be quality-printed, and made available for all clubs to help promote the hobby. A great effort! They are available for borrowing through either the Christchurch Philatelic Society or the Federation Secretary for just the cost of postage.

News Release for National Judges and Apprentices

The Federation has asked that copies of the News Release be sent to all national judges and apprentices as an email attachment to those judges and apprentices which have email. Persons without email will be sent copies by post only on specific request, so let me know if you fit into the latter category.

Contact Details

If you have any comments, helpful ideas or just want further information, contact me at [email protected] or via the Secretary at P 0 Box 19-119, Hamilton.

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